Soft Windows
Published By | Date | Version | Knowledge Level | Keywords |
Sprezzatura Ltd | 01 OCT 1991 | 2.1+ | EXPERT | WINDOW, TEMPLATE, LCPOSITIONS, @RECORD |
The biggest problem confronting developers when modifying the display characteristics of window at a pre-init stage (E.G. to remove prompts the user does not have access to, or to change screen wording) is that of changing the stored literal image. The format of this image is open to understanding and thus can be customised on the fly (a subject for a later REVMEDIA) but there are easier ways to actually force the window processor to do the work on the developer's behalf.
The compiled screen information is stored in the template record in the ninth substring delimited by Char(247)s. At the pre-init stage this may be accessed from @RECORD. If at this stage this is nulled down, the window processor will rebuild it from scratch using the information current in the prompts in @RECORD. Thus in the case of replacing all of the screen prompts and the screen title with, for example, a different language version, one would
subroutine WINDOW_SOFT /* Author AMcA Date July 1991 Purpose To replace the on screen messages & title with local language version Copyright Sprezzatura Ltd 1991 */ equ DLM$ to char(247) * Firstly remove literals by fieldstoring null @RECORD = fieldstore(@RECORD, DLM$,9,1,"") /* Now assume P contains @FM delimited list of new prompt messages and T contains new window title */ * Store title in @RECORD @RECORD = fieldstore(@RECORD, DLM$, 6, 1, T) * Now store prompts in @RECORD TOP = @RECORD<1> + 1 for X = 2 to TOP /* check to see if prompt hidden, if so don't bother replacing literal. Hidden info is MV 53 of current prompt */ if @RECORD<X,53> = "" then @RECORD<X,5> = P<X-1> end next return
This approach could be extended to build completely new windows on the fly, be it data entry windows or simply collector windows. Thus if in a program, parameters were needed to define the scope of a report (dates, amounts etc), a generic subroutine could be written to collect the necessary information. A sample generic subroutine follows -
subroutine GENERIC_COLLECTOR(PROMPTS, TITLE) /* Author AMcA Date August 1991 Purpose To provide a generic collector for report programs. PROMPTS will contain an @FM delimited list to include on the window, with each field being in the form PROMPT_TYPE : "|" : PROMPT_LABEL */ $insert include, lcpositions equ DLM$ to char(247) ; * Template delimiter char MARK = 0 ; POS = 0 ; @RECORD = "" loop remove NP from PROMPTS at POS setting MARK while NP do PT = NP[1,"|"] ; * Type, D-Date, A-Amount etc PL = NP[-1,"B|"] ; *Prompt Label NUM = @RECORD<1> + 1 ; * Increment prompt count @RECORD<1> = NUM PROMPT = "" PROMPT<0,TYPE> = "F" PROMPT<0,FNO> = NUM PROMPT<0,D> = PL PROMPT<0,DX> = 2 PROMPT<0,DY> = NUM * 2 - 1 PROMPT<0,VX> = 20 PROMPT<0,VY> = NUM * 2 - 1 PROMPT<0,VJST> = "L" PROMPT<0,VLEN> = 15 * Add in prompt type specific logic begin case case PT = "D" PROMPT<0,VOTP> = "DE" PROMPT<0,VINP> = "(DE)" case PT = "A" PROMPT<0,VOTP> = "MD2," PROMPT<0,VINP> = "(MD2)" end case @RECORD<-1> = PROMPT repeat * Set up virtual screen measurements DEPTH = NUM * 2 + 4 @RECORD<-1> = 20 : @FM : 4 : @FM @RECORD := 60 : @FM : DEPTH @RECORD := DLM$:60:@FM:DEPTH:@FM: @RECORD := 60:@FM:DEPTH:@FM:0:DLM$ @PSEUDO = @RECORD @PSEUDO = fieldstore(@PSEUDO,DLM$,6,1,TITLE) COL = str(@FM,5) : 1 ; * Collector parameters @PSEUDO = fieldstore(@PSEUDO,DLM$,13,1,COL) call catalyst("W", ". NOREAD") return
(Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 6,7)