
A RevTechie Replies

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At least one Qtip – that of having problems using embedded SQL against files without PROTECT.MFS – is well-known to perusers of the README files, as this was documented several releases ago. Even (especially?) Revmedia readers ought to know to RYFM! A second Qtip highlights what is clearly a bug in DICT.MFS, so it is worth noting that relying on, well, anomalous behaviour in system routines is a risky business, as those "undocumented features" are subject to unannounced "upgrades". Finally Revmedia readers should know that LND_EDIT, the language set edit window, remains undocumented because it is still undergoing change – as for example in the now available AREV 2.11.

Users wondering about changing REVBTMSG to use new logon text should know that the text now (2.11) lives in RTP1*PARMS, and is put into REVBOOT when that file is rebuilt (as when changing net drivers). A sad note is that @STAT.REC is no longer updated if the status line is turned off (an optimisation), removing the neat ability to tell what module you're in when flying blind.

Advice to try Microsoft C version 6 should be taken sodium-laden, as this is known to have caused problems, especially in areas of memory management. Network programmers might be interested to know – this having been the topic of some Compuserve debate of late – that coordinated locking is a function of a global environment setting (whatever you may otherwise attempt), and very important, is only available on some nets – Novell and Banyan, specifically.

Mike Pope - European SSE RevTI (UK) Lt

(Volume 3, Issue 6, Page 6)

  • tips/revmedia/v3i6a2.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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