QTIPS - PERFORM Arguments and FMT Specifications

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 JUN 19922.12+EXPERTPERFORM, EXECUTE, TCL, FMT

Tony McDowell of Pioneer Computing in Australia makes the point that multiple commands may be passed to TCL via PERFORM or EXECUTE. The arguments passed should separate each command with an @FM. E.G.

   Command = "SELECT BP SOURCE"
   Command<-1> = "EDIT BP"
   Perform Command

(As a side point but one that has come up several times with various individuals in the past month - REMEMBER, a PERFORM will lose an active select list! Use EXECUTE if you wish to keep the list active.)

He further indicates that R/BASIC supports PRIME information style FMT specifications, E.G. Print X "8R", Y "25T".

(Volume 4, Issue 2, Page 5)

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