Creating a Report
In this procedure you’ll create a columnar report based on the CUSTOMERS table.
1. From the OpenInsight IDE choose New, Reports, Banded Report Writer.
2. Choose New Report from the File menu. The BRW Design Wizard is displayed.
3. Select the Data Source for the new report. Select the CUSTOMERS table.
4. Select the Fields that will be included in the new report. Choose CONTACTNAME, CUSTOMERID, ORGANIZATIONNAME, PHONENUMBER, and STATE.
5. Select the layout for the new report.
6. Select the style for the new report.
7. Enter the title for the new report and click the Finish button.
8. The Banded Report will output to the Print Preview window.
9. Click on the Design button to edit the report.
10. Choose File, Save to save the report.
11. Assign your report to a Report Group and click OK.