Pulling changes from Git into OpenInsight
To pull changes from the Git Repository on win10test3 into the OpenInsight on win10test3, from the OpenInsight IDE choose Git, OI Pull from Git…
Figure 55 – Choosing OI Pull from Git…
Figure 56 – Pull OpenInsight entities from an external Git repository
1. Git Repository is the local repository on win10test3
2. Operation is: Pull
3. Set your selection type. The default is Seven Days
When you press the Select button OpenInsight Git will compare your OpenInsight source with the source in Git and only select the items that don’t match.
Note: THIS IS IMPORTANT, Git only knows that the item in Git and the item in OpenInsight are not the same. It does not know which one is the latest version. However, it is reasonable to assume that if the Git version and OpenInsight version are different, then the Git version must have been pulled in from a remote server.
Your OpenInsight Git window should look something like this:
Figure 57 – OpenInsight Git pull changes
Just as in the push operation above, you need to select the items you wish to pull into OpenInsight. Move the items you wish to pull into the box on the right.
Note that the new program, A_NEW_STOREDPROC.txt, has a green plus icon next to it indicating that this procedure exists in your Git repository but not in your OpenInsight repository. Items that have a pencil icon
exist in both Git and OpenInsight but they are different.
You can view the item in the Git repositiory by click on the Git GUI button at the bottom of this window.
Figure 58 – Git GUI window
A yellow highlight indicates that something has changed on the line.
A green highlight indicates that this is a new line.
A red highlight indicates that a line has been deleted.
After moving both procedures to the box on the right, your window should look something like this.
Figure 59 – Pull changes into OpenInsight from Git
Click the Apply button and OpenInsight Git will pull these changes into OpenInsight and compile and clean the entities.
Figure 60 – Pull completion dialog
Figure 61 – Log file
Note: THIS IS IMPORTANT - pulling changes into OpenInsight from Git will completely replace the source code in OpenInsight.
Note: When you pull items in from Git, if the item can be compiled, like a stored procedure or an OpenInsight window, then OpenInsight Git will compile the item to ensure that the source and object versions of the item are in sync.
If you pull an insert in from Git, then all procedures that use that insert will be recompiled.
You can now close the OpenInsight Git window. Open your editor and edit the A_NEW_STOREDPROC procedure. You will see that the new stored procedure we created on win10test4 has been added as a new stored procedure on win10test3.
Figure 62 – Updated source code in System Editor on win10test3