BACKCOLOR property

All controls.

Sets or retrieves the RGB value associated with the background color of the specified control. The BACKCOLOR property supports gradients in the same way the current OpenInsight object does, along with the associated GRADIENTSTYLE property.

backgroundcolor = Get_Property(objectname, "BACKCOLOR")

existingprop = Set_Property(objectname, "BACKCOLOR", color)

Values passed in Set_Property():

ColorNew color value.

The intensity for each argument can range from 0 through 255. If all three intensities are set to zero, the result is black. If all three intensities are set at 255, the result is white

For BASIC+, the formula for color value is:

color = red + (green * 256) + (blue * 65536)

BACKCOLOR for a window can be set only if it does not have 3-D style.

For child window control, BACKCOLOR 0 sets the background color to the default. To make the child window background black, pass color = 1.

Values returned by both Get_Property() and Set_Property():

backgroundcolorExisting color value.
* Example 1:  sets the color for CtrlEntID

Color  = Get_Property(CtrlEntID, "BACKCOLOR")

Parent = CtrlEntID [1,"."]

Color  = Utility("CHOOSECOLOR", Parent, Color)

if len(Color) then

  Set_Property(CtrlEntID, "BACKCOLOR", Color)


/* Example 2:  convert between an @vm-delimited RGB value (used by QuickHelp and Msg, for example) and a Color value (the FORECOLOR and BACKCOLOR property values) */


* convert from RGB to Color

Color = RGB<1,1> + RGB<1,2> * 256 + RGB<1,3> * 65536

* convert from Color to RGB

RGB   = ""

Temp  = Color        ;* don't modify the Color value
for i = 1 to 3

  RGB<1,i> = mod(Temp, 256)

  Temp     = int(Temp / 256)

next i
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/backcolor.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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