GetNetworkType subroutine

Returns the current network driver type of the OpenInsight System.


NetworkTypeA null string. This string should be large enough to contain the return value. If the string is not large enough the driver type will be truncated on return. This parameter will contain the return value after execution of the subroutine.
NetworkTypeLenThe length of the string to be passed.

A null terminated string of the current network driver in use.

/* after the call to GetNetworkType(), NetworkType will be assigned the name of the current driver */


declare subroutine GetNetworkType


NetworkType = str(\00\,99)                    ;* a null string

GetNetworkType(NetworkType, len(NetworkType)) ;* execute the function

NetworkType = NetworkType[1,\00\]             ;* NetworkType will contain the driver.
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/getnetworktype.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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