IConv Time (MT) function

Converts times in external formats into internal system format. Internal system time is calculated as the number of seconds past midnight. A 24-hour day has 86,400 seconds.

internal = IConv(string, "MT [H] [S] [char]")

IConv (MT) accepts arguments for the following parameters.

MTIndicates a time conversion.
H, S, and charThese options have no effect on the IConv function. These are OConv options that are allowed in the IConv function so you can use the same specifications for both input and output conversions.
TIME     = "08:28PM"
Internal_time = IConv(TIME,CONVERSION)
* The value 73680 is saved in Internal_time.

The following table provides examples of the correct use of the IConv Time function.

Example codeOutput
IConv("12:01", "MT")43260
IConv("12:01PM", "MTH")43260
IConv("12:01:59PM", "MT")43319
IConv(2, "MT")7200
IConv("2:01AM", "MT")7260
IConv("2/01/2009", "MT,")15036
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/iconv_time_mt.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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