
PRINT Direct_Print Message

The PRINT message is used to send plain text or embedded escape codes to control the output of the printer.

A CRLF is appended to each string that is printed when Parm2 is Null or 1. If Parm2 is 0 then no CRLF is appended and the next line will be appended to the last line.

Description of Fields
Text and/or escape codes""
Parm 2Append Carriage return/line feedA boolean field. If true then a carriage return/line feed is appended to the first parameter.1
Subroutine Direct_Print_Example(startValue)

Declare Function Direct_Print, Unassigned

If Unassigned(startValue) Then startValue = ''

Equ HP_Bold$ To char(27):'(s3B'

Equ HP_Norm$ To char(27):'(s-5B'

* This case statement contains the various START options

Begin Case

  Case startValue = ''

    retval = Direct_Print('START','','','') ; * print to default printer

  Case startValue = 'ToFile'

    retval = Direct_Print('START','','C:\TEMP\DIRECT_PRINT_EXAMPLE.TXT',1) ; * Print To file

  Case startValue = 'Different_Printer'

    retval = Direct_Print('START','HP LaserJet 2200 Series PCL 6','','') ; * print to a specific printer

End case

If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

* Print 30 lines of bold text

For i = 1 To 30

  retval = Direct_Print('PRINT',HP_Bold$:'This first page contains bold text.')

  If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

Next i

retval = Direct_Print('PAGE') ; * Force page break

If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

For i = 1 To 30

  retval = Direct_Print('PRINT',HP_Norm$:'This page contains plain text.')

  If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

Next i

retval = Direct_Print('PAGE') ; * Force page break

If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

retval = Direct_Print('PRINT','This page contains concatenated text.',0)

If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

retval = Direct_Print('PRINT','This page contains concatenated text with a carriage return/line feed.',1)

If retval < 1 then Goto ErrorHandler

* End the Print Job

retval = Direct_Print('STOP')


If retval < 1 Then

  Swap @fm With  @vm In retval

  call Msg(@Window,'ERROR':retval)

  retval = Direct_Print('ABORT')


  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/print_direct_print_message.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by