Save_Select subroutine

The Save_Select subroutine saves an active select list of keys from cursor 0.

Save_Select(target, targetName, reserved, comment, cursorNum)

The Save_Select subroutine has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
target Reserved. Pass null.
targetName The name to save the select as.
The targetName may be in the following formats:

1. <targetName>
2. <tableName><space><targetName>

If targetName contains a space then the assumption is that the first word is <tablename>. If the <tablename> is valid then any wording after the initial space is the targetName .If the tablename is not valid the tablenme is SYSLISTS and the whole string is used as the targetName.
reserved Reserved for internal use.
comment A reference string can be stored with the saved list; null is permitted. The comment must not contain system delimiters.
cursorNum A number from 0 to 8, indication which cursor's keys to save. Optional, defaults to 0

The list of keys is stored in the SYSLISTS table, with targetName as the record ID. An Activate_Save_Select should be used to process the list once the Save_Select is executed.

Function Save_Select_Example(param1)


Declare Subroutine Save_Select, Activate_Save_Select, Msg

$Insert Logical


ClearSelect 0

done = False$

ctr  = 0


Select "SYSREPOS" by "@ID" using 0 Then




      Readnext id Else done = True$

   Until done

      ctr += 1


   Msg(@window,"Number of Records Selected = ": ctr)



return ctr

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/save_select.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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