
Subroutine statement

Identifies the source code that follows as a subroutine. Use in the first line of code.

Note: The maximum length of a stored procedure executable is 64 Kilobytes. This limit applies only to the compiled object. The subroutine source code may exceed the 64 Kilobyte limit.

Begin Condition



End Condition

[Compile] Subroutine name(DataType parameter [, DataType parameter, …])

The Subroutine statement has the following parameters.

nameAny legal variable identifier can be used as the name of the subroutine.
DataTypeOpenInsight does not require data typing of subroutine parameters. Specify the data type before the parameter identifier. Mat is available as a data type.
parameterA parameter is optional, and can contain a variable, matrix, constant, or expression. If used, the parameter specification must be enclosed in parentheses. If no parameter is specified, the parentheses are omitted. Multiple parameters are delimited with commas.

Parameters are formal definitions for arguments (actual values) to be passed to and from the calling procedure and the subroutine. The calling procedure must provide the same number of arguments as parameters specified in the called function. If fewer arguments are provided, those not provided will be unassigned. If more are provided, an error will occur.
/* The following code fragment illustrates the format of a subroutine program. */

Compile Subroutine TEST_TABLE(CharStr volume, 
CharStr database,CharStr table_name, CharStr alias_name, Integer status)

Begin Condition
End Condition

Declare Function Set_FSError, Set_Status,,   get_bfs_info
Declare Subroutine get_volume_rec, rtp49

Convert @LOWER_CASE to @UPPER_CASE in table_name
Convert @LOWER_CASE to @UPPER_CASE in alias_name
Convert @LOWER_CASE to @UPPER_CASE in database

If table_name Else
  estat = Set_Status(TRUE$, SSP_TABLE_LIST_NULL_ERR$, '')
  status = FALSE$

GoSub MainProcess

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/subroutine.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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