Update_Index subroutine

Updates or rebuilds indexes in a specified column or for all columns in an attached table.

Update_Index(table_name, column_name, updateAction)

(OI10) - bSuppressMsg added

Update_Index(table_name, column_name, updateAction,bSuppressMsg)

Parameters are as follows.

Parameter Description
table_name A field mark delimited list of names of one or more the tables to update or rebuild. If table_name is null, and updateAction is false (0) or null, all indexes for all attached tables are updated.
column_name For each table in table_name, an associated value mark delimited list of one or more indexed columns. When column_name is null for a table, all indexes for that table are processed.
updateAction If updateAction null or zero, indexes are updated. If updateAction=1, indexes are rebuilt. If updateAction=2 or updateAction=3 , indexes are rebalanced. If updateAction=4, the %INDEXNAME% information is rebuilt. If updateAction=5, the indexing logic ( the ! record) is regenerated.
bSuppressMsg 1='progress' messages are not displayed [OI10 only]
/* Updates the index on the PART_NAME column in the CAR_PARTS table. */

Call Update_Index ("CAR_PARTS", "PART_NAME", "")

/* Rebuilds indexes on the PART_NAME column in the CAR_PARTS table. */

Call Update_Index ("CAR_PARTS", "PART_NAME", "1")
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/update_index.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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