Edit Tables: Defaulting to Edit Mode (Functions/Subroutines/Programs)
Created at 10 OCT 1996 04:54PM
The edit table defaults to navigatation mode. When a user starts typing, the current cell automatically switches to edit mode. This document describes how to make the edit mode be the default mode for an edit table.
The EditCell Function
The following function puts an edit table into edit mode (or takes it out of it) by using edit-table messages:
function EditCell(CtrlEntID, EditMode)
declare function Get_Property, SendMessage, GetAsyncKeyState
declare subroutine Yield
$insert Logical
equ WM_USER$ to 1024
equ TAB$ to 9
equ DT_BEGINEDIT$ to 1 ;* begin edit mode
equ DT_ENDEDIT$ to 2 ;* end the edit
equ DT_ABORTEDIT$ to 3 ;* Esc will undo changes
* get the window handle for the edit table
hTable = Get_Property(CtrlEntID, 'HANDLE')
if hTable else
return FALSE$
* the DTM_EDITCURCELL$ message is used to toggle the
* edit table's edit mode
* default to edit mode
if assigned(EditMode) else EditMode = ""
if len(EditMode) else EditMode = DT_BEGINEDIT$
* if the user is tabbing, wait until they release the tab key
while bitand(GetAsyncKeyState(TAB$), 32768)
if EditMode = DT_BEGINEDIT$ then
* first exit then re-enter edit mode
Result = SendMessage(hTable, Message, DT_ENDEDIT$ , 0)
Result = SendMessage(hTable, Message, DT_BEGINEDIT$, 0)
end else
Result = SendMessage(hTable, Message, EditMode, 0)
return Result
Plugging it in
The easiest way to implement automatic edit mode is to set up the following QuickEvent on edit table's GotFocus and PosChanged events:
Instead of using a QuickEvent, you can put the following event code in the edit table's GotFocus and PosChanged event handlers:
Function PosChanged(CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NextColumn, NextRow)
declare subroutine EditCell, Forward_Event
* processing here is executed before the rest of the event chain
* …
* let the rest of the event chain execute (and remember to pass any
* parameters that follow CtrlEntID/CtrlClassID to Forward_Event)
Forward_Event(NextColumn, NextRow)
* processing here is executed after the rest of the event chain
* …
* now put the cell into edit mode
return 0
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