Revelation Windows 2000 Service (formerly the Revelation NT Service) (Performance)

Windows NT and/or Windows 2000 defaults to not allowing the system user full access rights to drive letters over E:.  This is a problem for services such as the 2000/NT Service which handles all the file access, so here is how to set these rights:

NT 3.51

1.     Open file manager

2.     Select the Drive that contains LH data files

3.     Select Security

4.     Select Permissions

5.     Make sure that the SYSTEM user has Full Control of the drive.

NT 4.0

1.     Using either NT Explorer or the my computer icon highlight the drive that has LH data

2.     Right click on the drive and select Properties

3.     Click on the SECURITY Tab

4.     Select Permissions

5.     Make certain that the SYSTEM user has Full Control of the drive.

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