Web Publishing: Using controls to pass parameters (Functions/Subroutines/Programs,Web)

The following example contains a form that must be published to the web, and a custom internet procedure that will be called from that published form through OICGI.  The internet procedure, Inet_Linker, receives information from the OI web page which passes it s parameter via a combo box.  If you are unfamiliar with OpenInsight and it s functionality as a web server extension, please read the document entitled  Getting to the Web with OpenInsight for Workgroups: a Step-by-Step Guide  from the OpenInsight section of the Revelation website Knowledge Base .  


Installing the module:

1.         Download and unzip WEBX.ZIP.

2.         From the SYSPROG app, go to the System Editor, and from the EXEC line, type:

run RdkInstall  path to unzipped files 

This should install into SYSPROG:


        WEBX form

        WEBX form executable

        Inet_Linker stored procedure

        Inet_Linker stored procedure executable


Publishing WEBX to an HTML page

1.         Open Form Designer and choose HTML Publishing

2.         Choose WEBX and select Compile Form.

3.         After it s done, it should prompt you for where to save the html page for that form.

4.         Close HTML Publisher.


Running the example

1.         Remember that OICGI is in the OpenInsight directory and must be copied to the Cgi-Bin directory of you web server (if you haven t done this yet, read the document referenced above!)

2.         Start INET_GATEWAY from the Repository Outline


        OpenInsight Executables

        OpenInsight Form Executables


1.         Make sure your web server is running

2.         Since you must open WEBX through OICGI (so that the internet procedure will work), in the URL of your browser, type:




or, if you ve copied oicgi to oicgi.exe to accommodate your web server:



How the parameters from WEBX get to Inet_Linker

On the published WEBX page, there is a drop down combo box which allows the user to choose a section from the Revelation web pages.  The value the user selects gets sent to the custom internet procedure Inet_Linker via the request parameter, and based on the selection, writes a different web page back once the  Write the link  button is hit. 

Inet_Linker gets parameter information by querying the request variable with the internet procedure Inet_QueryParam, and passing in the name of the combo box.


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