Revelation NLM Technical Support Checklist for OpenInsight for Workgroups and Advanced Revelation (Network Compatibility,Performance)

OpenInsight NLM Technical Support Checklist[#OI]

Advanced Revelation NLM Technical Support Checklist[#AREV]


[<a name="OI">]Revelation NLM Technical Support Checklist for OpenInsight[</a>]

This document outlines the standard steps that should be followed when any problem occurs with OpenInsight for Workgroups and the Revelation NLM.  This document assumes that the Revelation software has been successfully installed.   If there is any variance between your network configuration and this document, the difference is mostly likely the cause of your error. This document presented in two sections:


Primary Checklist:  Each item on this check list should be confirmed before attempting any further troubleshooting


Primary Checklist

1.  Ensure the proper network driver is installed:

A network driver is a software program that enables OpenInsight to communicate to Revelation files.  The Revelation NLM provides a new network driver which must to activated in OpenInsight before the NLM can be used.  This program is named the IPX/ Netware Multiuser Driver.  To determine which driver is active do the following:


a. Launch the NETDRV.EXE utility from your OpenInsight directory

b. In the section titled "OpenInsight Network Driver Information", you should see IPX/Netware Multiuser Driver.  In the Available Drivers section you will see a highlighted driver - disregard this, the active driver is the one specified above.


If you see any other driver (All Network Driver, Byte Range Lock, etc.) you must change the driver.  To activate the IPX/ Netware Multiuser Driver;


a. In the "Available Drivers" section, click on the IPX/Netware Multiuser driver (if absent, the install was not completed)

b. Click on the OK button

c. A message will appear to ask you to confirm the change, click YES


Some users have reported an "Attempt to login too many users" message even though the number of users logged in was less than the user count. The solution is to load the LHIPXVXD.DLL network driver.  This driver can be found on the Network Product Suite patches and upgrade section of the Revelation's web.


2. Ensure the NLM has control of a file

You can verify that the Revelation NLM is properly running by determining whether the NLM has 'control' of a file.  When the NLM has control, you will see a string of six letter F's (e.g. FFFFFF) in the 'file handle'.  You can check the file handle by:


a. Launch OpenInsight

b. Launch the System Editor

c. Select the File, then Open menu selections

d. Open the SYSTABLES file

e. Edit the record SYSOBJ


On the fifth (5th) line you should see the "file handle" - this is a series of characters that appear to be random; but contain encrypted information about the file.  If you see six F's - the Revelation NLM is working properly.  If not, please see the "troubleshooting" section of this guide.


 The REVPARAM file

The REVPARAM file is used to ensure that only the Revelation NLM can access the files that exist in a given subdirectory. The REVPARAM file must exist in every subdirectory in which Revelation files reside.  The REVPARAM file should have the following contents:




4. Network Protocols

You must have the proper Network Client installed to ensure proper network communication. 


On Windows 3.x  workstations, you must have the proper driver loaded for both the network card and for the network communications.  Use the following chart to ensure you have the proper drivers loaded.


Windows 3.1

Card:    LSL.COM 2.05+ with IPXODI.COM 2.12+ and NWCALLS.DLL 4.0 (provided with OpenInsight)

Network:           NETX.COM 3.26 or NETX.EXE 3.32 or

VLM.EXE 1.02+


On Windows 95 and Windows NT workstations, you load a single workstation 'client' routine to enable your workstation to communicate to the network and network card. 


Operation System         You must use:

Windows 95      Windows 95 Novell Client 32 or

Windows 95 Microsoft Client 

Windows NT 3.51          Windows NT 3.51 Novell Client 32 or

Windows NT 3.51 Microsoft Client

Windows NT 4.x            Windows NT 4.x Novell Client 32 or

Windows NT 4.x Microsoft Client


Please note: the Novell Client 32 are strongly recommended.  If you have any problems with communications you should immediately test using the Novell Client 32, this driver is more reliable and provides better performance than the Microsoft Client.  Many errors are overcome by simply using the Novell Client 32.


5. Routers

If you have a router on your network, you must configure the router to allow the SAP  (Server Advertising Protocol) broadcast  message to get through.  The SAP number is Ox5B8.


6. Other Settings to check

If you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT, make sure the "Always Suspend" feature is not active.  To check your settings:


a. Right click, on the shortcut for Advanced Revelation

b. Click on the "Misc" tab

c. Verify "Always suspend"  is NOT checked.


If you are using an Energy Star Compliant computer, you should ensure that the power management suspend features are NOT enabled.


[<a name="AREV">]Revelation NLM Technical Support Checklist for Advanced Revelation[</a>]

This document outlines the standard steps that should be followed when any problem occurs with Advanced Revelation and the Revelation NLM. This document assumes that the Revelation software has been successfully installed.   If there is any variance between your network configuration and this document, the difference is mostly likely the cause of your error. This document presented in two sections:


Primary Checklist:  Each item on this check list should be confirmed before attempting any further troubleshooting


Primary Checklist

1. Ensure the proper network driver is installed:

A network driver is a software program that enables Advanced Revelation to communicate to Revelation files.  The Revelation NLM provides a new network driver which must to activated in Advanced Revelation before the NLM can be used.  This program is named IPX/Advanced Netware.  To determine which driver is active do the following:


a. At the command line (TCL) type: WHO

b. In NETWORK INFORMATION; the Vendor/Type must be IPX/Advanced Netware


If you see any other driver (Advanced Netware, Novell Netware, etc.) you must change the driver.  To activate the IPX/Advanced Netware Driver;


Advanced Revelation 2.x

a. Log into Advanced Revelation as user "BUMP" (at DOS type: AREV BUMP)

b. At the Current Network prompt, touch the F2 key for a list of installed Network Drivers

c. Select the IPX/Advanced Netware Driver from the list (if absent, the install was not completed)

d. Touch F9 to save the change, and allow the Revboot file to be rebuilt.


Advanced Revelation 3.x

a. Log into Advanced Revelation as user "LANPACK" (at DOS type: AREV LANPACK)

b. Select "Network Type" from the main menu

c. At the "Network Type" prompt, touch the F2 key for a list of installed Network Drivers

d. Select the IPX/Advanced Netware Driver from the list (if absent, the install was not completed)

e.  Touch F9 to save the change, and allow the Revboot file to be rebuild


2. Ensure the TSR is active

The LHIPXTSR is used to ensure that the workstation is in constant communication with the Revelation NLM.  The LHIPXTSR must be loaded on the workstation in the following order: 


If the workstation is running DOS - simply load LHIPXTSR prior to running Advanced Revelation

If the workstation is running Windows 3.x - load LHIPXTSR prior to running Windows

If the workstation is running Windows 95 - Load LHIPXTSR in the 'shortcut'.  You reference LHIPXTSR.EXE on the line titled "batch file" - you must us the "/p" option.

If the workstation is running Windows NT - you must create a batch file that you run from your shortcut.  Here is an example batch file


x:\arev\lhipxtsr.exe /p

x:\arev\arev.exe /x

x:\arev\lhipxtsr.exe /u


* where x:\arev is the drive and path where your Advanced Revelation resides

To verify the workstation is using LHIPXTSR run the following command at the command line (TCL):




If the result is a number one (1) the TSR is loaded, if the result is zero (0) the TSR is not loaded.


3. Ensure the NLM has control of a file

You can verify that the Revelation NLM is properly running by determining whether the NLM has 'control' of a file.  When the NLM has control, you will see a string of six letter F's (e.g. FFFFFF) in the 'file handle'.  You can check the file handle by:


In Advanced Revelation 2.x, at the command line (TCL) type: EDIT FILES VOC

In Advanced Revelation 3.x, at the command line (TCL) type: EDIT SYSTABLES VOC


In both instances, on the fifth (5th) line you should see the "file handle" - this is a series of characters that appear to be random; but contain encrypted information about the file.  If you see six F's - the Revelation NLM is working properly.  If not, please see the "troubleshooting" section of this guide.


4. The REVPARAM file

The REVPARAM file is used to ensure that only the Revelation NLM can access the files that exist in a given subdirectory. The REVPARAM file must exist in every subdirectory in which Revelation files reside.  The REVPARAM file should have the following contents:




5. Network Protocols

You must have the proper Network Client installed to ensure proper network communication.  On DOS and Windows 3.x  workstations, you must have the proper driver loaded for both the network card and for the network communications.  Use the following chart to ensure you have the proper drivers loaded.


Operating System         You must use:  

DOS     Card:    IPX.COM  or

                        LSL.COM 2.05+ with IPXODI.COM 2.12+

            Network:           NETX.COM 3.26 or NETX.EXE 3.32 or VLM.EXE 1.02+


On Windows 95 and Windows NT workstations, you load a single workstation 'client' routine to enable your workstation to communicate to the network and network card. 


Operation System         You must use:

Windows 95      Windows 95 Novell Client 32 or

            Windows 95 Microsoft Client

Windows NT 3.51          Windows NT 3.51 Novell Client 32 or Windows NT 3.51 Microsoft Client

Windows NT 4.x            Windows NT 4.x Novell Client 32 or Windows NT 4.x Microsoft Client


Please note: the Novell Client 32 are strongly recommended.  If you have any problems with communications you should immediately test using the Novell Client 32, this driver is more reliable and provides better performance than the Microsoft Client.  Many errors are overcome by simply using the Novell Client 32. 


When using the Novell Client 32 make sure you have a recent version.  Some users have reported an "Attempt to login too many users" message even though the number of users logged in was less than the user count.  The solution was to update Novell's Client 32 - Revelation has confirmed that the Client 32 date 1/29/96 (in the release notes) caused the error.  Revelation has confirmed that the Client 32s dated 8/22/96 and 7/16/97 do not cause the error.


6. Routers

If you have a router on your network, you must configure the router to allow the SAP  (Server Advertising Protocol) broadcast  message to get through.  The SAP number is Ox5B8.


7. Other settings to check

If you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT, make sure the "Always Suspend" feature is not active.  To check your settings:


a. Right click, on the shortcut for Advanced Revelation

b. Click on the "Misc" tab

c. Verify "Always suspend"  is NOT checked.


If you are using an Energy Star Compliant computer, you should ensure that the power management suspend features are NOT enabled.

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