Copy Table Utility (Functions/Subroutines/Programs)

Description:  A window that provides table copying capability.


Check out includes:

        Form and form executable COPYTBL

        Stored Procedure and executable COPYTBL

        Message box REVERROR_DAT ( for pulling error messages from REVERROR.DAT )



This utility was written expressly as an example to illustrate how a routine could be written to copy multiple tables from inside the OpenInsightenvironment.   Feel free to modify to suit your needs.

Also,  this was written in OI 3.5.   If you have problems running it from earlier versions, you may need to alter some areas of the stored procedure and then recompile.


To check into your OpenInsight system:

1.     Unzip COPYTBL.ZIP into a directory.

2.     Log into the SYSPROG app.

3.     Select from the menu Development|Check-out/Retry Check-out  and then choose New Checkout

4.     Do a Copy From and enter in the appropriate path to the unzipped files.

5.     Hit the Entities button and choose Copy Table Utility from the dialog box.

6.     The entities should appear in the edit table.  Hit OK to check it in.


Run the form entitled COPYTBL.


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  • Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:36
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