Notes on Migrating Your Advanced Revelation Application to OpenInsight (Functions/Subroutines/Programs,Migration)

The text files below contain programs that compare Advanced Revelation and OpenInsight programming syntax.  This program is taken from the Advanced Revelation "knowledgebase" application that is provided in Arev version 3.0+ .  This application allows you to search, view, and print technical information stored in a Linear Hash file.  The 'knowledgebase' application uses a data entry screen that has options, custom menus, a custom report, etc.  The program that controls the data entry screen is named KB_ENTRY_SUB_AR. Here is the source code to the program:



The Arev knowledgebase application was then migrated into OpenInsight - with the exact same capabilities - options, menus, reports etc.  The program that controls the data entry screen is named KB_ENTRY_SUB.  Here is the source code to the program:



Take a quick peek at both to get some ideas of what the differences are (and similarities as well) for this application.  Then if you want to see theOpenInsight version of the application run, I have provided an APPBACKUP of the app.  Here it is:



To install the application, create a temporary directory (e.g. C:\OITEMP) and unzip the file with the -d option to restore the directory structure.  Next, log into OpenInsight in the SYSPROG application - create a new application named WORKSHOP - then log into WORKSHOP.  From the repository outline, underneath "OpenInsight" doubleclick on 'OpenInsight Executables', then 'OpenInsight Form Executables', then do a <shift> double click on the first entry APPBACKUP.  This is the application backup/restore function.  When the APPBACKUP window appears, select the "Restore" operation, make sure "Copy Data Tables" is checked, then make sure the "Backup Location" is set to the directory in which the file was unzipped to (e.g. C:\OITEMP).  When you click on the "OK" button, the application components will be installed into your copy of OpenInsight.  To begin the application, from the OpenInsight main menu select "View", then "Refresh Repository Outline", then double click on  "OpenInsight Executables", then "OpenInsight Form Executables", the do a <shift> double click on the WORKSHOP_MAIN entry.  This will provide you with a screen that will allow you to navigate through the application.


All of the source code to the WORKSHOP application is provided.  As you investigate the application you will notice a couple of main topics on the menu; such as:

        Arev - this is a series of screen shots that show you the Arev knowledgebase, if you click on areas of the screen you will notice thatsubscreens will appear, by press F2 you will see the options screen. 

        OpenInsight - this is a working version of the knowledgebase application under OpenInsight - it is designed to behave exactly the same way the Arev application behaves; run through the application and get a feel for it.

        OpenInsight+ - this is the same knowledgebase application, with changes - it has some advanced features to it, namely: the ability to sendemail  from within OpenInsight, usage of a tree control, custom search bars, graphics and more.

        Web - this shows how you can extend your Arev/OI application to enable Internet browser read/write/delete access to your Revelation files. This example shows the use of the Revelation indexes to search for a record, then select and view the record in a browser.  A new record can be added using an HTML form that was created from the "HTML Publishing" facility that was added to the OpenInsight Form Designer.  Please be aware that in order to use these features, you must have a Web Server running, with OICGI.EXE in the directory in which the web server expects to find CGI scripts (most commonly the "cgi-bin" directory).  If you need further assistance, give us a call. (We also have a Knowledge Base article on the web site called "Getting to the Web with OpenInsight for Workgroups: A Step-By-Step Guide".)

        Warehousing - this shows some of the steps that enable you to move data from Linear Hash to any other data source via ODBC.  This wizard-driven feature walks you through defining the files and fields to export to any ODBC database.  To use this capability, make sure you have properly registered your ODBC drivers in your ODBC Manager in Windows Control Panel.  I do recommend that you experiment with data warehousing via the Client/Server Workspace, as this sample application is designed as general reference rather than a complete resource.


The following is a paper written by three Arev Developers who are expert in moving applications - it contains tips, equivalency charts, and a whole lot of info. It is available online or in PDF format below.



Lastly, there are a couple of "hired guns" who have basically made the conversion from Arev to OpenInsight a simple step-by-step process.  They have converted applications on Wall Street that track millions of dollars to large govermental applications.  These companies can either be brought in to assist in the conversion, or to give you a "core dump" - providing you the tips, suggestions, and a strategy to effectively bring your application to Windows and/or the Web.  These companies are:

        WinWin Solutions - Contact: Mike Ruane - email:; web: http:%%//

        Sprezzatura - Contact: Aaron Kaplan - email; web: http:%%//

        SRP Computer Solutions - Contact: Don Bakke - email:; web: http:%%//

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