Increasing File Handles for Advanced Revelation Running Under NT (Network Compatibility,Performance)

A handful of customers have reported receiving file errors in Advanced Revelation under Windows NT.  The problem manifests itself in two ways:


a) When logging into Arev they receive the error B328 "Error opening or reading from .INI".

b) When attemping to edit a dos file from TCL (eg. EDIT DOS REVERROR.000) they receive the error FS133 "FATAL ERROR reading  %1% in DOS file.


This is due to the lack of available file handles at the operating system level, you will need to increase the number of files in your CONFIG.NT file.  To do this go into the properties dialog  you use to launch Arev and click on the 'Program' tab.  You should see a button with the text "Windows NT", click on this button.  Next you should see a section titled "Custom DOS Initialization file" and a prompt entitled "Config filename".  In this prompt you will probably see something like this: "%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT".  This is the location and file name of the CONFIG.NT file. (%SystemRoot% is the location in which you installed NT - the default is WINNT).  After you get the file information, go into NOTEPAD and edit the file - at the bottom you should see the statement:   FILES=10  (or some other number)  - change this line to FILES=200; save away the file, and try to launch Arev again.

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  • Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:36
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