ENG0805 Error on Windows 2000 Professional Workstations Running OpenInsight (General,Operating System Compatibility)
Created at 31 MAY 2000 03:24PM
When attempting to run OpenInsight on Windows 2000 Professional workstation(s), the error ENG0805: unable to locate LH.DLL may occur whenOpenInsight is first executed. The following tips have been tested by Revelation Software and have been found to typically resolve the ENG0805 error:
1. Install Novell s NetWare Client32 for Windows NT/Windows 2000 Professional. If you are running the Microsoft Client for NetWare, this means manually removing the client through your network settings. DO NOT let the Novell Client32 install remove it for you. Novell Client 32 versions 4.71 and 4.7 have been tested successfully.
2. Set FILES=200 in the workstation s CONFIG.NT file.
3. Force the workstation(s) frametypes in the NWLink IPX protocol settings to that used by the server.
4. In the Novell Client properties, set the Preferred Protocol to IPX.
5. Perform the OpenInsight Client Install to the workstation. This is typically the SETUP.EXE file found in the Client folder on the OpenInsight disk and is also readily available to WORKS members on the annual WORKS CD or from the WORKS downloads section of our web site.
NOTE: Some Advanced Revelation users have experienced this error, and in some cases reported that the above suggestions (minus the OpenInsightclient install) rectified the problem.
Should these steps not resolve your problem, please contact Revelation Technical Support.