Creating a Non-databound Dialog in JOI (Functions/Subroutines/Programs)

How do I create a non-databound dialog in JOI?


The attached example shows how to create the following dialog that prompts the user for a beginning and an ending date:




In Forte 3.0 or Netbeans 3.3.1 please mount the joi.jar archive and the directory that contains this unzipped example as follows:






Execute the TestingFrame class from the directory and you will get the following window:




This window is a test harness for calling the dialog window and displaying the returned results. In Forte 3.0 or Netbeans 3.3.1, double-click the "Get Dates" button at design time and you will see the following code behind the button:




The utilGetDatesDialog class is the non-databound dialog box that uses JOI controls to format the dates, but does not link back to a database. Please see the comments in that class' code, along with the ReadMe.doc document for the key elements of building a non-databound window.


On a separate note, since we all are used to Windows GUIs, the TestingFrame class contains code that changes the look and feel of the window to a Windows look and feel versus the default Java "Metal" look. This is the code that does that:






Hope this code is useful to you.


The JOI Development Team.


Click on the link below to download the files needed for this example:


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