Creating O4W Menus
I. Creating menus for your Forms, Reports and Dashboards
- From the O4W Main Menu choose O4W Menu.
* From the O4W Menu Menu choose Create/Modify.
* Enter the name of your menu and click the Go button.
* Create your menu by choosing Menu Types (Menu, Submenu or Menu Item). Enter the text for each type, choose the Link Type (None, Explicit URL, WEBOI, O4W Procedure, O4W Form, O4W WYSIWYG, O4W Report, O4W Dashboard or Email), and enter the Link To. Additional Menu Types may be added or inserted by pressing the Ins button or Add new row button.
II. Adding menus to your existing Forms, Reports and Dashboards
- From the O4W Form Menu choose Create/Modify.
* Select your CUSTOMERS Form.
* From the Layout Tab select the menu to apply to your form.
* From the Completion Tab click the Save button.
* Run your form.
* The menu will now be included as part of the form. The menu style is based upon the style sheet for the template used. You also add the EXAMPLES_MENU to the ORDER_REPORT and SALES Dashboard.