
BEGINEDIT method (PropertyGrid)

Activates the item editor for an item in the property grid, optionally loading it with data and setting focus.

EditorActive = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID,   





                               SetFocus )
NameNoName of the property item to edit. If null then the current item is used.
ValueNoInitial Value to put into the editor. If null then the existing item value is used.
SelectAllNoIf TRUE$ then all text in the item editor is selected.
SetFocusNoIf TRUE$ then the focus is set to the item editor.

TRUE$ if the item editor was activated.

Not all item types can be edited – see the notes on property item types above for more details on which types support editing.

$Insert PS_Property_Grid_Equates

   $Insert Logical


   CtrlEntID = @Window : ".PRG_MAIN"


   // Set the full list of items...   

   Pgl     = "Data" : @Vm : "Title"    : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$     : @Vm : "Yadda"

   Pgl<-1> = "Data" : @Vm : "SubTitle" : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$     : @Vm : "Whatever"

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Visible"  : @Vm : PS_PGI_CHECK$    : @Vm : TRUE$

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Color"    : @Vm : PS_PGIT_BUTTON$$ : @Vm : ""


   Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "LISTX", Pgl )

   // Open up the "SubTitle" item for editing, use the original text, select it and

   // and move the focus there

   EditorActive = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "BEGINEDIT", "SubTitle", "", TRUE$, TRUE$ )

EDITORHANDLE property, ENDEDIT method.

  • oi10/presentation_server/beginedit_method_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by