
MODAL property (System)

Enables or disables all existing top-level Presentation Server forms that belong to the application. This is sometimes referred to as "setting the application modality".

This property is a simple Boolean value when used with Get_Property. If TRUE$ then all Presentation Server forms are disabled (unless an exception ID was declared – see Set_Property below).

When used with Set_Property this property value is a @fm-delimited array like so:

<1> Boolean disable flag – Set to TRUE$ to disable all Presentation Server forms. Set to FALSE$ to re-enable them.

<2> Exception ID – optional, contains the name of a form to exclude when the disable flag is set to TRUE$



// Example - disable all application forms except the FRM_APPMAIN form


   $insert logical


   ModalProp = ""

   ModalProp<1> = TRUE$          ; // Set Application Modality

   ModalProp<2> = "FRM_APPMAIN"  ; // Let FRM_APPMAIN remain enabled


   Call Set_Property_Only( "SYSTEM", "MODAL", ModalProp )


   // Check the application modality   

   IsAppModal = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "MODAL" )

Common GUI ENABLED property.

  • oi10/presentation_server/modal_property_system.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by