

The PROPERTYGRID supports the following properties in addition to the Common Properties except where noted below.

AUTOEXPAND Specifies if the categories are automatically expanded when the LIST or LISTX properties are set.
*COLLAPSEDLIST Returns a list of categories that are collapsed.
COLWIDTH Gets/Sets the width of the Property Name column.
DESCRIPTIONDRAWHTMLGets/Sets the drawing mode of the Description Pane.
EDITORHANDLE Returns the window handle (HWND) of the item editor.
EMPTYTEXT Gets/Sets the text to display when the control is empty.
ENABLED Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input for the entire grid or for an individual property.
*EXPANDEDLIST Returns a list of categories that are expanded.
LIST Accesses the contents of the currently visible list of properties in the grid.
LISTX Accesses the contents of the fully-expanded list of properties in the grid.
OPTIONSKEY Specifies the key used to click the options button or dropdown/hide options list for properties.
PROPERTYNAMES Returns a list of all visible property item names (I.e. from non-collapsed items) in the control.
PROPERTYNAMESX Returns a list of all property item names in the control.
ROWHEIGHT Gets/Sets the height in pixels of each row in the property grid.
ROWSTRIPE Specifies if the row-striping effect is applied to the property grid.
SELNAME Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using its name.
SELPOS Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using the position in the currently visible list.
SELPOSX Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using the position in the fully expanded list.
SHOWCATEGORIES Specifies if the property grid displays category items.
SHOWDESCRIPTION Specifies if the Description Pane is visible or not.
SHOWTOOLTIPS Specifies if tooltips are displayed for property item values.
VALUE Returns the value of the currently selected property.
VALUES Gets or Sets the value of all property items in the control, or a single property item if indexed.

The following Common Properties are not supported:



All colors in the Property Grid control are currently based on the system colors and are not modifiable at this time. They may be implemented in a future update.

  • oi10/presentation_server/propertygrid_properties.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by