The PROPERTYGRID supports the following properties in addition to the Common Properties except where noted below.
Name | Description |
AUTOEXPAND | Specifies if the categories are automatically expanded when the LIST or LISTX properties are set. |
*COLLAPSEDLIST | Returns a list of categories that are collapsed. |
COLWIDTH | Gets/Sets the width of the Property Name column. |
DESCRIPTIONDRAWHTML | Gets/Sets the drawing mode of the Description Pane. |
EDITORHANDLE | Returns the window handle (HWND) of the item editor. |
EMPTYTEXT | Gets/Sets the text to display when the control is empty. |
ENABLED | Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input for the entire grid or for an individual property. |
*EXPANDEDLIST | Returns a list of categories that are expanded. |
LIST | Accesses the contents of the currently visible list of properties in the grid. |
LISTX | Accesses the contents of the fully-expanded list of properties in the grid. |
OPTIONSKEY | Specifies the key used to click the options button or dropdown/hide options list for properties. |
PROPERTYNAMES | Returns a list of all visible property item names (I.e. from non-collapsed items) in the control. |
PROPERTYNAMESX | Returns a list of all property item names in the control. |
ROWHEIGHT | Gets/Sets the height in pixels of each row in the property grid. |
ROWSTRIPE | Specifies if the row-striping effect is applied to the property grid. |
SELNAME | Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using its name. |
SELPOS | Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using the position in the currently visible list. |
SELPOSX | Specifies the currently selected item in the property grid using the position in the fully expanded list. |
SHOWCATEGORIES | Specifies if the property grid displays category items. |
SHOWDESCRIPTION | Specifies if the Description Pane is visible or not. |
SHOWTOOLTIPS | Specifies if tooltips are displayed for property item values. |
VALUE | Returns the value of the currently selected property. |
VALUES | Gets or Sets the value of all property items in the control, or a single property item if indexed. |
The following Common Properties are not supported:
All colors in the Property Grid control are currently based on the system colors and are not modifiable at this time. They may be implemented in a future update.