
SetDebugger function

Controls various debugging tools for use with the Presentation Server.

RetVal = SetDebugger( ToolID, Param1, Param2, Param3 )

ToolIDYesSpecifies the debugging tool to use. Can be one of the following strings:

"SPY" : Turns the PS event spy on or off.

"ASSERT" : Turns Assertion messages on or off

"SAVEWARN" : Turns SAVEWARN tracing on or off.
Param1OptionalThis can be a boolean value to turn the specified tool on or off. It may be null to simple return the status of the tool.
Param2OptionalDepends on the method:

"SPY" : An @fm-delimited list of forms to trace,

: or leave null to trace all forms.

"ASSERT" : N/a

Param3OptionalDepends on the method:

"SPY" : Set to TRUE$ to send all output to the

: System Monitor rather than the Event Spy

: channel on the IDE Output panel.

"ASSERT" : N/a


Returns the status of the tool before any updates are made (TRUE$ if the tool is active, or FALSE$ otherwise).


SPY tool – This tool is used to monitor events triggered by the system. Both the event resolution process and the firing of the event itself can be displayed in the System Monitor or the IDE's "Event Spy" channel on the Output Panel (the default output option).

ASSERT tool – This tool turns assertion messages on or off.

SAVEWARN tool – This tool is used to monitor the status of the SAVEWARN property for forms in the system. When set to TRUE$ any updates to a form's SAVEWARN property will be displayed in the System Monitor along with the control whose data was modified.

Although the SetDebugger function can be used programmatically, it is normally used directly from the System Monitor as per the following examples:


  To turn on the Event Spy for all forms execute the following command in the System Monitor:


      setdebugger spy 1


  To turn on the Event Spy for specific forms execute the following command in the System Monitor:


     setdebugger spy 1 [myfirstwindowname,mysecondwindowname]


  To turn on the Event Spy execute the following command in the System Monitor:


      setdebugger spy 0


  To check the status of the Event Spy execute the following command in the System Monitor:


      setdebugger spy


  To turn off Assertion messages execute the following command in the System Monitor:


      setdebugger assert 0


  To turn on Savewarn Tracing execute the following command in the System Monitor:


      setdebugger savewarn 1


System Monitor, SYSTEMMONITOR object, WINDOW SAVEWARN property, Basic+ $Assert statement.

  • oi10/presentation_server/setdebugger.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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