
Editor++ Configuration

The Editor++ Configuration dialog controls the look and feel of the Editor++. The dialog is launched from the Editor Configuration menu item in the Options menu of the Editor++. There are hree (3) tabs within the Editor++ Configuration dialog. Each tab and its contents are outlined below.

Editor Interface tab


Editor InterfaceMaximize Children When checked, all child windows will in the Editor++ will open maximized.
Show Button ToolbarWhen checked, the button toolbar is visible.
Show Line Numbers When checked, line numbers appear on the left hand side of the child windows.
Show Status SectionWhen checked, the Status Area of the Editor++ will be displayed.
Use Tabbed Panes When checked, Tabs will appear along the top of the Editor++ for the individual children opened.
Save Tabs on Close When checked, the entities that are opened within the Editor++ at Close, will be stored and opened at the next launch of the Editor++.
Find Case Sensitive When checked, the Case Sensitive option on the Find Text tab of the Status Area will be checked.
Find Whole Word When checked, the Find Whole Word option on the Find Text tab of the Status Area will be checked.
Find & Replace Case Sensitive When checked, the Case Sensitive option on the Replace Text tab of the Status Area will be checked.
Find Whole Word When checked, the Find Whole Word option on the Replace Text tab of the Status Area will be checked.

Code Interface Tab


Code InterfaceConvert Keyword Case When checked, the Editor++ will convert keywords to the case that is defined with the Basic+ Keyword Configuration.
Double Click Opens EntityWhen checked and the user double clicks on a stored procedure call within a child window, another window will open containing the source code for the clicked procedure.
Auto Complete Braces When checked and an open parentheses, bracket or brace is typed, the closing parentheses, bracket or brace is automatically entered.
Use Call Tips When checked, the Editor++ will display the parameters of the stored procedure upon entering the open parenthesis after the procedure/function name. The call tips are derived from the basicplus.api file in the REVBOOT directory.
Selection Color Displays the ChooseColor dialog for selection of the color to use for highlighted text.
Tab Stops Tab Stops The number of spaces to be used within a tab stop.
Indent Chars Tabs When selected, the indent characters used will be tabs.
Spaces When selected, the indent characters used will be spaces.
Font Font Displays the ChooseFont dialog box for selection of the font to be used within the Editor++.
Colorization Do Not Color Code When checked, the Editor++ will not colorize source code.
Color Keywords When checked, the Editor++ will colorize keywords. Keywords are defined in the Basis+ Keyword Configuration dialog.
Color Numbers When checked, the Editor++ will colorize numbers.
Color Identifiers For future use.
Color Quotes When checked, the Editor++ will colorize numbers.
Color Comments When checked, the Editor++ will colorize comments and comment blocks.
Color Operators When checked, the Editor++ will colorize Operators. i.e, + / =.
Color Labels When checked, the Editor++ will colorize Labels within a stored procedure.
Color Preprocessors When checked, the Editor++ will colorize preprocessor statements such as PRAGMA and IFDEF statements.

Editor Dialogs Tab


Global Find & ReplaceShow Inherited When checked, the Global Find & Replace tool will search and display inherited entities.
Case Sensitive When checked, the Case Sensitive option on the Global Find & Replace dialog will be checked.
Find Whole Word When checked, the Find Whole Word option on the Global Find & Replace dialog will be checked.
Recompile All When checked, the Recompile All option on the Global Find & Replace dialog will be checked.
Open Record Show Index Tables When checked, the Open Record dialog will display the Index files in the Table list.
Show Dictionary Tables When checked , the Open Record dialog will display the DICT. files in the Table list.
Open OS Default Extension The default extension to be used in the Open File dialog box.
Default Folder The default location to be used in the Open File dialog box.
Open Procedure Show Inherited When checked, the Open Stored Procedure dialog will include inherited entities for selection.
Multiple Selection When checked, the Open Stored Procedure dialog will allow the selection of multiple entities for opening.
Open Insert Show Inherited When checked, the Open Insert dialog will include inherited entities for selection.
Multiple Selection When checked, the Open Insert dialog will allow the selection of multiple entities for opening.
Open Event Only Show Controls With EventsWhen checked, the Open Windows Event Handler dialog will only list controls which contain events.
  • programming/programming_in_openinsight/editor_configuration.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:50
  • by