
Opening an Existing Stored Procedure or Insert

The procedures for opening an existing stored procedure or insert are very similar. The following procedure lists the steps required to perform these tasks.

Procedure: To Open an Existing Stored Procedure or Insert

  • Choose Open Stored Procedure or Insert from the File menu.
  • The Open Stored Procedure or Open Insert dialog box is displayed. The Open Stored Procedure dialog box lists the stored procedures attached to the current application. The Open Insert dialog box lists the inserts available in the current application.

  • Select the desired stored procedure or insert from the list and click the OK button.
  • The Open Stored Procedure or Insert dialog box closes. The stored procedure, as shown in the figure below, or insert is displayed in the System Editor workspace.

  • programming/programming_in_openinsight/opening_an_existing_stored_proce.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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