Published By | Date | Version | Knowledge Level | Keywords |
Revelation Technologies | 14 NOV 1989 | 2.X | EXPERT | POP.SESSION |
POP.SESSION is a subroutine that restores the environment parameters saved by a preceding call to PUSH.SESSION.
POP.SESSION(cursor.loc, sentence, record, id, dict, mv)
Use POP.SESSION to restore an environment after use of PUSH.SESSION. The saved values are passed from the PUSH.SESSION argument list.
Use cursor.loc to pass the cursor position saved by PUSH.SESSION.
Use sentence to pass the TCL sentence saved by PUSH.SESSION.
Use record to pass the record saved by PUSH.SESSION
Use id to pass the record key saved by PUSH.SESSION.
Use dict to pass the dictionary variable saved by PUSH.SESSION.
Use mv to pass the array of @MV, @INSERT (see Appendix 1, "System Variables"), and video attributes saved by PUSH.SESSION.
Values returned
Correct Use of POP.SESSION
* The following code restores an environment preserved by PUSH.SESSION DECLARE SUBROUTINE PUSH.SESSION, POP.SESSION, MSG PUSH.SESSION(cursor, sentence, record, id, dict, mv) * Call a subroutine that modifies environment parameters. GOSUB change.environ text = "The modified values are:" text<<-1>> = "SENTENCE is ":@SENTENCE text<<-1>> = "RECORD is ":@RECORD text<<-1>> = "ID is ":@ID MSG(text, "", "", "") POP.SESSION(cursor, sentence, record, id, dict, mv) text = "The restored values are:" text<<-1>> = "SENTENCE is ":@SENTENCE text<<-1>> = "RECORD is ":@RECORD text<<-1>> = "ID is ":@ID MSG(text, "", "", "") STOP /* Assign sample values to system variables referenced by the environment parameters */ change.environ: @@SENTENCE = "SELECT SAMPLE.FILE BY ST BY ZIP" @@RECORD = "SAMPLE" @@ID = "SAMPLE.ID" RETURN