
QTIPS - Securing Menus

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 NOV 19902.021+EXPERTSECURITY, MENU, PAINT

The ability to press [F2] in a menu and display a list of all available menus can frequently be useful one. There can however be times when it is desirable for the user not to see certain menus presented in this fashion. There may for example be a requirement for a Security Menu only to be accessible via a control program.

Menus may be excluded from the F2 popup by preceding their name with the word PAINT, eg PAINTSECUREMENU. You can see this in use normally - when you press F2 all of the PAINTMENU menus and others are missing!

(Volume 2, Issue 6, Page 5)

  • tips/revmedia/v2i6a4.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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