
BMP Set_Printer Message

The BMP message will print a bitmap at a specific location on the page. The BMP message can be used to print 16 color BMP files, 256 color BMP files, WMF files, and ICO files. The Bitmap parameter is the path to the bitmap or "CLIPBOARD" to copy an image from the clipboard. The path can be the full path from the root drive, or the relative path from the OpenInsight directory. If you specify "CLIPBOARD" as the Bitmap, then the current image in the clipboard will be printed in the report. The Location parameter determines where to print the bitmap. The X and Y parameters specify the starting position, and the CX and CY specify the width and height. The NoScale parameter is used to determine how the bitmap is stretched. If the NoScale parameter is 1, then the bitmap is not stretched and the CX and CY parameters are ignored. If the NoScale parameter is set to 0, then the actual size of the bitmap is determined from the CX and CY parameters and the size of the bitmap is not dependent on the printer resolution. The Repeat parameter is used to print the bitmap on all pages, or just the current page.

JPEG, GIF and True Color bitmaps can be printed.

ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 - Bitmap<1> BitmapThe full path or relative path to the bitmap""
Parm2 - Location<1> XX position0
<2> YY position0
<3> CXWidth0
<4> CYHeight0
Parm3 - NoScale <1> NoScale1=Do not scale bitmap, ignores the CX and CY

0=Scale bitmap
Parm4 - Repeat <1> Repeat on all pages0=Current page only

1=Print on all pages
* This example shows how to use the BMP message to print a bitmap at the top of every page.
 declare function Set_Printer
 stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing

Print the bitmap at the top of every page with no scaling

stat = Set_Printer("BMP", "BMPS\TEST.BMP", 1:@fm:0, 1, 1)
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/bmp_set_printer_message.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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