Inet_Rlist function

Internet procedure that produces a List+ report in HTML format. The Report Builder tool (ORMAIN) is used to produce an HTML report.

Inet_Rlist() can also be used to produce a report based on a LIST sentence. See the example below.

Inet_Rlist (Request, RlistScript)

The Inet_Rlist() function has the following parameters:

Request[in] HTTP-request that carries the following parameters:

Parameter Description
REPORT_ID - name of report created with the Report Builder tool.
STYLE_ID - name of HTML style sheet to use; NA.
ARGS - comma ( , ) delimited array of arguments.
Rlist Script[in] if specified, overrides a report specified by the REPORT_ID parameter.

A report in HTML format, typically displaying in a browser window.

Displaying a Report from the Report Builder

/* In the Report Builder tool, a report definition called CUSTOMER_PHONE_LISTING has been defined.    To display it in a browser, code a URL similar to: */

A Web Report based on a LIST Statement

/* Create an INET_ procedure called INET_RLIST_DYN() by pasting the following code: */

Function INET_RLIST_DYN(request)

$insert inet_equates

declare function Inet_QueryParam, Inet_Rlist,Inet_Msg


* Did We get a command?


rtext = Inet_QueryParam(request, 'RLIST')

report_id = Inet_QueryParam(request, 'REPORT_ID')

Convert to in rtext

Convert to in report_id

varHtml = ""

Begin Case

  Case len(rtext)

    * Custom Rlist

    varHtml = Inet_rlist(request,rtext)

  Case len(report_id)

    * Canned Report

    varHtml = Inet_Rlist(request)

  Case 1

    * Error

    varHtml = Inet_Msg(request,"Attention: You did not enter an RLIST Command!")

End Case

Return varHtml

If you enter an RLIST statement in the URL, similar to: CUSTOMERS LNAME FNAME CITY BY CITY

the output will be an report based on the LIST sentence passed.

If you specify a stored Report ID, generated by the Report Builder, such as:

the output will be a formatted report as in the previous example.

If you do not specify a LIST sentence or a Report ID, as in:

an error message, generated from the call to Inet_Msg(), is produced.

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/inet_rlist.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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