
Start_MDIChild function

Executes a specified OpenInsight window (form) as an "MDI Child" window. MDI Child windows must have an MDI frame as a parent and appears in the frame's MDI Client Area at runtime.

InstanceID = Start_MDIChild( WindowID,
                                InitWinStruct )

The MDIChild function has the following parameters.

windowIDThe child window name.
FrameIDThe frame window name. (The frame must already exist.)
CreateparamThe createparam passed to the CREATE event.
ReservedPass in the null string ("").
TitleThe title to appear in the child window's title bar.
AppearancemodeWindow display.

Value - Description
0 - Displays the window in the same way as the currently active child window. (Default)
1 - Normal.
2 - Minimized.
3 - Maximized.
InitXThe initial x position of a window. (optional)
InitYThe initial y position of a window. (optional)
InitWinStructThe structure of a window as returned from Start_Window() with "GetStructureFlag" set.

The return value is the fully qualified name of the MDI child if the child window was created successfully. Otherwise a null string is returned. Typically, the full name has the format

MDIChildGroupID : '*' : MDIChildInstanceID.

To execute the child window called CHILD_WIN in the frame window FRAME_WIN, the call to Start_MDIChild would be:

MDIChildID = Start_MDIChild("CHILD_WIN", "FRAME_WIN", "", "", "My Child Window", 1)

The return value, if the function was successful, would return child_win*1 which is the child name concatenated with the instance ID.

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/start_mdichild.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/15 19:03
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