Extract function

Extracts a field, value, or subvalue from a dynamic array.

result = Extract(array, field, value, subvalue)

The Extract statement has the following parameters

arraySpecifies the dynamic array that is to be accessed.
fieldThe field number of the field in array to extract. Values for value and subvalue must be 0 (zero) to extract the field.
valueThe ordinal number of the value to be extracted. The value for subvalue must be 0 (zero) to extract value. field must be greater than 0 (zero).
subvalueThe ordinal number of the subvalue to be extracted. The values of field and value must be greater than 0 (zero).

Compiled code will run more efficiently when field is an integer constant, and value and subvalue are equal to zero. The Extract function is identical to the angle brackets (< >).|

/* If subvalue 1, of value 2, of field 3, of dynamic array Y is greater than 6, the program will go to next_step. */

If Extract(Y, 3, 2, 1) GT 6 Then
  GoSub next_step

* Extracts columns 1 to 31 from CASH.

For counter = 1 To 31
  T = Extract(CASH, counter, 0, 0)
Next counter
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/extract.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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