Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top Sitemap This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces. arev guides kb playground third_party_content tips kb revmedia REVMEDIA 23 APR 1982 REVMEDIA 16 JUN 1988 REVMEDIA 28 JUL 1988 REVMEDIA 28 SEP 1988 REVMEDIA 05 OCT 1988 REVMEDIA 30 OCT 1988 REVMEDIA 05 NOV 1988 REVMEDIA 17 JAN 1989 REVMEDIA 14 FEB 1989 REVMEDIA 22 FEB 1989 REVMEDIA 11 APR 1989 REVMEDIA 01 MAY 1989 REVMEDIA 01 JUN 1989 REVMEDIA 08 JUN 1989 REVMEDIA 20 JUN 1989 REVMEDIA 21 JUN 1989 REVMEDIA 01 JUL 1989 REVMEDIA 01 AUG 1989 REVMEDIA 06 AUG 1989 REVMEDIA 31 AUG 1989 REVMEDIA 26 SEP 1989 REVMEDIA 01 OCT 1989 REVMEDIA 26 OCT 1989 REVMEDIA 01 NOV 1989 REVMEDIA 13 NOV 1989 REVMEDIA 14 NOV 1989 REVMEDIA 20 NOV 1989 REVMEDIA 01 DEC 1989 REVMEDIA 01 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 14 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 15 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 16 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 23 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 24 JAN 1990 REVMEDIA 01 FEB 1990 REVMEDIA 19 FEB 1990 REVMEDIA 28 FEB 1990 REVMEDIA 01 MAR 1990 REVMEDIA 01 APR 1990 REVMEDIA 02 APR 1990 REVMEDIA 01 MAY 1990 REVMEDIA 07 MAY 1990 REVMEDIA 08 MAY 1990 REVMEDIA 16 MAY 1990 REVMEDIA 01 JUN 1990 REVMEDIA 01 JUL 1990 REVMEDIA 29 JUL 1990 REVMEDIA 30 JUL 1990 REVMEDIA 01 AUG 1990 REVMEDIA 01 OCT 1990 REVMEDIA 10 OCT 1990 REVMEDIA 01 NOV 1990 REVMEDIA 01 DEC 1990 REVMEDIA 01 JAN 1991 REVMEDIA 17 JAN 1991 REVMEDIA 01 MAR 1991 REVMEDIA 19 MAR 1991 REVMEDIA 01 APR 1991 REVMEDIA 01 MAY 1991 REVMEDIA 01 JUN 1991 REVMEDIA 02 JUN 1991 REVMEDIA 01 JUL 1991 REVMEDIA 01 AUG 1991 REVMEDIA 18 SEP 1991 REVMEDIA 19 SEP 1991 REVMEDIA 01 OCT 1991 REVMEDIA 17 OCT 1991 REVMEDIA 01 NOV 1991 REVMEDIA 01 DEC 1991 REVMEDIA 16 DEC 1991 REVMEDIA 18 DEC 1991 REVMEDIA 01 JAN 1992 REVMEDIA 01 MAR 1992 REVMEDIA 01 APR 1992 REVMEDIA 23 APR 1992 REVMEDIA 01 MAY 1992 REVMEDIA 01 JUN 1992 REVMEDIA 02 JUN 1992 REVMEDIA 01 JUL 1992 REVMEDIA 01 AUG 1992 REVMEDIA 01 OCT 1992 REVMEDIA 01 NOV 1992 REVMEDIA 01 DEC 1992 REVMEDIA 18 DEC 1992 REVMEDIA 01 JAN 1993 REVMEDIA 01 MAR 1993 REVMEDIA 01 APR 1993 MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE MFS PROGRAMMING & USAGE Memory Management in Revelation Advanced Revelation Network Locking Setting Linear Hash Parameters in R/BASIC Video Attributes in Advanced Revelation Advanced Revelation Version 1.12 Resolved Problem List Index Transaction Code Novell ELS and Revelation Compatibility Creating Demonstration Applications Suppressing the Advanced Revelation Logon Message Proper Use of Cursors Passing Parameters from an Assembly Language Routine Paged Messages Speeding up R/BASIC Writes to an Indexed File PDISK on Novell Networks Testing Printer Status Quarterdeck Tools for Memory Management New POP.UP Functionality Network Compatibility Update Volume Pathnames on Novell Advanced NetWare Networks Network Compatibility Update VOC Catalog Types PDISK on NetWare Compaq CACHE.EXE Updating PC-MOS Versions of Advanced Revelation Indexing Techniques Using LAN Manager Switching Printers In Revelation Group Format Errors In Advanced Revelation The Linear Hash Filing System Alternate Labels in Index Lookup Windows Running Revelation on Unix-based DOS Emulators Parsing TCL Commands The Progam Stack, SYSOBJ, and Secondary Load User Index in BTREE.EXTRACT Linking Windows in Advanced Revelation Bumping Advanced Revelation on 3+Open Advanced Revelation with LAN Manager network compatibility guide Sorting using V119 Buffering Messages in Advanced Revelation Moving an Application in Advanced Revelation Advanced Revelation 2.0 Installation Script Processor Field Justification, Secondary Indexes, and Sort Ordering Modifying MFSs and BFSs for the 2.0 BFS specification Sharing Dictionaries between Advanced Revelation 1.x and 2.0 Changes to BORDER.UP for Advanced Revelation Version 2.0 The Function of Protect Spec and Protect Records Repeating (Multivalued) Data in Advanced Revelation SQL: Features and Characteristics Consistency Enhancements to R/LIST for Advanced Revelation 2.0 Background Indexing Hooks The SYSOBJ file in Advanced Revelation 2.0 Customizing System Listings in Advanced Revelation 2.0 Suppressing DOS Output Using the Advanced Revelation Upgrade Procedure to Upgrade Developer Applications Screen Shots in Advanced Revelation Using Symbolic Fields for Formatting Removing Indexing Manually Enabling and Disabling the Status Line in an R/BASIC Program Recreating a Volume Directory (Media Map) Redefining Keys in Advanced Revelation PDISK on PC-MOS Systems Changing Printer Setup for R/LIST Reports Compatibility Reports Modifying Environmental Parameters Spurious Lock Conflicts in Advanced Revelation R/BASIC Coding Standards Low-Level Error Handling PRINT Precision in Advanced Revelation 2.0 Installing Optional Modules Enhancing Mouse Functionality Using Verifile to Call a Second Window BTREE.EXTRACT Using Metaphone Lookups Gasgauge Rebuilding Indexes from R/BASIC Reading System Configurations The TCL Command Stack Using the SQL Server Bond on non-OS/2 Platforms Compatibility with Palindrome "Go" Lists in Crossreference Indexes Message Numbers and Titles Scribe Replace Process for Prompts The Function of WC_RESET% in Window Processing Caching Problem in Netware 3.1 Using Advanced Revelation and Revelation G2B with VM/386 New R/BASIC Operators Questions and Answers Planned Changes to LCPOSITIONS and LCFUNCTIONS Validation Patterns on Key Prompts Verb and RTP Programs in Advanced Revelation Efficient Processing of Dynamic Arrays Computational Precision in Advanced Revelation Rebuilding Relational Indexes Using R/BASIC Questions about Menus Extended Multivalued Operations in R/BASIC Advanced Revelation Compatibility with Novell's NETX The %FIELDS% Record PUTCONFIGURE Lesser-known TCL Commands Changes to COMMDRV.IBM for Advanced Revelation 2.1 Capturing PostScript Output Using Printer Drivers in Advanced Revelation 2.1 Using BTREE.READ Advanced Revelation on Low-Cost Peer-to-Peer Networks The C Interface: Beyond R/BASIC The INTIAL_LOAD Record in Advanced Revelation 2.11 LASTKEY DRVREADY INDEX_TOGGLE Using the SQL Server Bond with Non-Sybase Gateways Conditional Compilation in R/BASIC POP_CONV Converting Advanced Revelation Applications to the SQL Server Bond REVMEDIA BATCH.INDEXING BTREE.EXTRACT BALANCED CALCULATEX COLLECT.IXVALS DELAY DOSTIME DSPACE FILTER.ACTIVE FUNCTION.KEY GET.RECCOUNT INPUT.CHAR index, indexing INDEX.FLUSH INDEX.OPEN MSG OUT.VALUE POP.SESSION PUSH.SESSION SCRIBE STATUP SUB.EDIT V124 VIDEO.RW VSPACE XREF SYSTEM SUBROUTINES - APPENDIX A SYSTEM SUBROUTINES - APPENDIX C QTIPS - Unassigned Catalyst RTP Series - Introduction and Notes RTP Series - RTP1 RTP Series - RTP2 RTP Series - RTP5 RTP Series - RTP7 RTP Series - RTP8 RTP Series - RTP9 Bugs and PCs - Macro Keys Bugs and PCs - Indexing 01 vs 1 Reader's Clinic - Capture Command and Captured Keystrokes QTIPS - DOS File Names Bugs and PCs - Xlate with Multipart Keys Reader's Clinic - Dynamic Screen Display Redefining Keys RTP Series - RTP11 RTP Series - RTP11.Index RTP Series - RTP12 RTP Series - RTP15 RTP Series - RTP16 RTP Series - RTP17 RTP Series - RTP18 RTP Series - RTP18.english RTP Series - RTP19 RTP Series - RTP20 RTP Series - RTP20.1 to RTP20.17 Gas Bar QTIPS - DOSTime Reader's Clinic - Page Marks in Windows Make.Index RTP Series - RTP21 RTP Series - RTP22 RTP Series - RTP25 RTP Series - RTP26 RTP Series - RTP27 RTP Series - RTP29 Form.List.S QTIPS - NameCap QTIPS - Btree.Extract QTIPS - BList Dictionary Items QTIPS - Direct Assignment by Comparison Bugs and PCs - MultiValued Keys on Windows Comp DOS Interfacing (Part I) RTP Series - RTP31 RTP Series - RTP32 RTP Series - RTP33 RTP Series - RTP34 RTP Series - RTP36 RTP Series - RTP37 RTP Series - RTP38 RTP Series - RTP42 RTP Series - RTP43 RTP Series - RTP49 RTP Series - RTP50 RTP Series - RTP51 RTP Series - RTP52A RTP Series - RTP53A RTP Series - RTP53B RTP Series - RTP57 RTP Series - RTP57A RTP Series - RTP59 Background Processing QTIPS - Printing Large Variables from the Debugger Reader's Clinic - Line Length > 256 Characters QTIPS - Encryption Using Invert Reader's Clinic - Screen Width Reader's Clinic - Naming Routines Merge Processor VERBatim - V1 VERBatim - V2 VERBatim - V5 VERBatim - V6 VERBatim - V7 VERBatim - V8 VERBatim - V9 VERBatim - V11 VERBatim - V12 VERBatim - V15 VERBatim - V16 VERBatim - V17 Prompt Help Reader's Clinic - Prompting for Passwords Reader's Clinic - Removing "Searching Cross References" Message DOS Interfacing (Part II) Viewer Capture Bond123 (TM) SecureUser Reader's Clinic - Preventing Records Being Amended V119 - Part I VERBatim - V18 VERBatim - V19 VERBatim - V20 VERBatim - V22 VERBatim - V23 VERBatim - V24 VERBatim - V25 VERBatim - V26 VERBatim - V27 VERBatim - V28 VERBatim - V29 VERBatim - V30 VERBatim - V32 VERBatim - V33 VERBatim - V34 VERBatim - V35 VERBatim - V36 VERBatim - V37 VERBatim - V38 VERBatim - V39 VERBatim - V40 QTIPS - [] Operators QTIPS - /MERGE/ QTIPS - Missing DICT Files QTIPS - String Space QTIPS - Aesthetically Improving RLIST Reports Reader's Clinic - Fixing %Windows% Using Depend.Update QTIPS - AREV Logon V119 - Part II VERBatim - V40 VERBatim - V41 VERBatim - V45 VERBatim - V47 VERBatim - V53 VERBatim - V60 VERBatim - V61 VERBatim - V63 VERBatim - V64 VERBatim - V65 VERBatim - V70 VERBatim - V76 VERBatim - V77 VERBatim - V82 VERBatim - V83 VERBatim - V85 VERBatim - V86 VERBatim - V87 VERBatim - V88 VERBatim - V89 VERBatim - V90 VERBatim - RText Replacement for V16 Message Defaults Trapping Message Calls QTIPS - @Date.Format QTIPS - Border.Colour QTIPS - Toggling Bell Popups VERBatim - V91 VERBatim - V114 VERBatim - V116 VERBatim - V117 VERBatim - V118 VERBatim - V119 VERBatim - V120 VERBatim - V121 VERBatim - V122 VERBatim - V123 VERBatim - V124 VERBatim - V124DBG VERBatim - V125 VERBatim - V126 Esc.To.Exit Securing TCL Access Screen Grabber Window or Not ? Reader's Clinic - Incorrect Indexes Reader's Clinic - Different Id Same Record Redisplaying Multi-Values QTIPS - Using @Upper.Case and @Lower.Case with Foreign Languages Version 2 Vroom Flashing Background Network Contention Directory Exists on Novell Networked %SK% Reader's Clinic - Scaled Masked Decimal Conversions Reader's Clinic - Functions and Subroutines !File Records QTIPS - Break-On Date Fields Relational Indexes - Reordering @ATTACK - @Account @ATTACK - @Ans @ATTACK - @Attrbt @ATTACK - @Attrbt.Ptr @ATTACK - @Aw @ATTACK - @Backgrnd.Time @ATTACK - @Break @ATTACK - @Browse.List @ATTACK - @Browse.Mode @ATTACK - @Capture @ATTACK - @Color @ATTACK - @CPU.Type @ATTACK - @CrtHigh @ATTACK - @CrtMaxHigh @ATTACK - @CrtWide @ATTACK - @CrtMaxWide @ATTACK - @Cur.Buf @ATTACK - @Cursors(x) @ATTACK - @Data @ATTACK - @Date.Format @ATTACK - @Default.Stops @ATTACK - @Dest.Ed Reader's Clinic - RList Column Names QTIPS - Merge Shortcuts Referential Integrity Vroom - Window Processing QTIPS - Updating Indexes QTIPS - Window Symbol Tables @ATTACK - @Dict @ATTACK - @Edit.Keys @ATTACK - @Environ.Keys @ATTACK - @Environ.Set @ATTACK - @Ew @ATTACK - @Exist8087 @ATTACK - @File.Error @ATTACK - @File.Error.Mode @ATTACK - @Files @ATTACK - @Files.System @ATTACK - @Filter @ATTACK - @FM @ATTACK - @Format @ATTACK - @Header Reader's Clinic - Changing from LPT1 to LPT2 in RBASIC QTIPS - Improved Menu Help 1 QTIPS - Improved Menu Help 2 VROOM - Window Processing II Terminal Manager (TM) @ATTACK - @Help.Level @ATTACK - @HFActive @ATTACK - @HW @ATTACK - @Index.Time @ATTACK - @Insert @ATTACK - @Int.Const @ATTACK - @Last.Error @ATTACK - @Last.Select.Process @ATTACK - @Level @ATTACK - @Limit @ATTACK - @List.Active @ATTACK - @Lower.Case @ATTACK - @LptrHigh @ATTACK - @LprtWide QTIPS - New Assembler Routines V2.0+ Index.Sub Revisited Indexing on Xlates QTIPS - Accessing Password Protected SYSPROG Base Conversions @ATTACK - @Macro.Hex @ATTACK - @Macro.Keys @ATTACK - @Macro.Words @ATTACK - @Macro.Mode @ATTACK - @Messages @ATTACK - @Modal @ATTACK - @Move.Keys @ATTACK - @MV @ATTACK - @MW @ATTACK - @Page @ATTACK - @PlayBack @ATTACK - @PlayDelay @ATTACK - @Priority.Int @ATTACK - @Privilege @ATTACK - @Prog.Char @ATTACK - @Pseudo @ATTACK - @PW QTIPS - Stop Lists QTIPS - Using INIT.VIEW with Printers Play it Again, Cam IConvs / OConvs Catalyst Tips EasyGraph @ATTACK - @Null.Eval @ATTACK - @PDisk.On @ATTACK - @Pri.File @ATTACK - @PrintMode @ATTACK - @Query.Depth @ATTACK - @Query.Dict @ATTACK - @Query.Table @ATTACK - @Rec.Count @ATTACK - @Record @ATTACK - @Recur0-4 @ATTACK - @Reduction.Done @ATTACK - @Return.Value @ATTACK - @Rm @ATTACK - @Rn.Counter Reader's Letters - Jim Owen QTIPS - Index Recompilation Playing with Scan Codes QTIPS - Securing Menus QTIPS - Browse Lists in Collector Windows QTIPS - Deleting Master Relationally Indexed Records QTIPS - Overriding Menu Colours Advanced Revelation Initialisation Sequence (Overview) by Mike Pope @ATTACK - @Rollout.File @ATTACK - @Save.Select @ATTACK - @Scribe.State @ATTACK - @Script @ATTACK - @Scroll.Mode @ATTACK - @Sentence @ATTACK - @StatAtr @ATTACK - @Station @ATTACK - @StatList @ATTACK - @StatPos @ATTACK - @StatRec @ATTACK - @Status.On @ATTACK - @STM @ATTACK - @SVM @ATTACK - @SW @ATTACK - @Tab.Stops @ATTACK - @TCL.Stack @ATTACK - @TM @ATTACK - @Tutor @ATTACK - @TypeAhead @ATTACK - @Upper.Case @ATTACK - @User0-4 @ATTACK - @UserName @ATTACK - @View.Mode @ATTACK - @VM @ATTACK - @Volumes @ATTACK - @VW @ATTACK - @Window.Level @ATTACK - @XW Reader's Clinic - Stop Lists NRC - Recorded Highlights - Keynote Address - Steve Perry (RevTech) Database Graphics Toolkit - Blackhawk Data Corporation by Mark Hirst Simple Security QTIPS - Video.Rw Collector Windows File Variables Reader's Clinic - Volume Pointer Record %FIELDS% QTIPS - List/SQL Statements QTIPS - NoRead QTIPS - V118 QTIPS - BASIC Options A Review of BONDtrv by Bruce S. Gray Rebuilding Indexes Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Reset% Reader's Clinic - Related Windows Adding Quickdex/Rightdex Indexes Programmatically Window or Not? How Indexes Are Updated Index Record Layouts Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Amv% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Amv_Action% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Amv_Vars% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Appl_Domain% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Atr_Ovr% Reader's Clinic - AREV Runtime QTIPS - Equidistant Menu Options QTIPS - Guaranteed Variable Assignment Creating Your Own Background Processes What Happens At Logon LH_Verify Uncommon Knowledge - WC_BLabel% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Browse_List% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Browse_Next% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Browse_Popup% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Crt_VDepth% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Crt_VLen% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Crt_VX% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Crt_VY% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Curr_Amv_Group% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_DataFile% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_DataFile_Next% LINEAR HASH FILE STRUCTURES - Part 1 User Defined Conversions Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Delete_Rec% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Delim% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Detail_Help% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_DictFile% Argument passing - Subroutines and Functions - Mike Pope Reader's Clinic - EVAL QTIPS - Runtime Version QTIPS - Forcing Index Recompilation Index Flush QTIPS - Command Line Options QTIPS - Form Processor QTIPS - What's DAT? QTIPS - Unlimited Softkeys QTIPS - Default Stop Lists QTIPS - Short Cut Implicit Formatting QTIPS - Reusing Symbolics in Windows QUERY.SUB 1st Annual Conference by Katherine W Cochrane 1st Annual Conference by David Tod Sigafoos Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Display_Action% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Except_Keys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Force_Change% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_FreeForm% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_HColor% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Protect_Help% RevTech Replies - Mike Pope (RevTech UK Ltd) Utility Diskette # 3 - Part I Utility Diskette # 3 - Part II QTIPS - Embedded SQL QTIPS - String Space Format Errors QTIPS - Hiding Symbolic Source Code 2.1 Highlights Menus and Menu Drivers QTIPS - Compiling Protection Code Reader's Clinic New "Soft" Functionality Report Professional (TM) - Dialog Software REVMEDIA Revisited QTIPS - Autofilling Default Values QTIPS - Finding/Replacing Spaces With The Editor Reader's Forum Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Id_Next% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Index_Popup% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Int_Keys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Is% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Is_Dflt% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Is_Orig% Reader's Clinic - Blank Column Headings in RLIST Reader's Clinic - Scribe Replace Processes in Window Soft Windows Reader's Forum - Mark Hirst Revelation C Interface - Part 1 QTIPS - Positioning Cursors in AMV fields QTIPS - Window Bug and Debugging Window Bug QTIPS - DUMP "Trashing" Files QTIPS - Sub-Headings in RLIST (Revisited) Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Joined_Handles% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Joined_Keys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Joined_Locks% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Key_Cnt% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Key_Full% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Key_Map% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Label% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Label_Cnt% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Label_Image% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Label_List% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Locking_On% REVMEDIA Revisted A RevTechie Replies QTIPS - Menus Without an Action Bar QTIPS - Query Windows - Changing Colours QTIPS - File Naming - RLIST Problems QTIPS - Code/Command Help QTIPS - TCL Disabled QTIPS - Popup_Soft - Additional Functionality QTIPS - Local Language Sets QTIPS - Invalid Code and Command QTIPS - Extended Select Syntax Spindex - A Review BondTRV 2.0 - A Review Spindex vs BondTRV Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Maint_Key% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Main_Menu% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_MPR_Mode% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_MV% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Mv_Next% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_New_Browse% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_New_DataFile% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_New_Id% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_ORec% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_PerProc% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_PKey% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_PostProc% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_PRec% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_PreProc% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Prompts% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Prompt_Type% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Pseudo% REVMEDIA Revisited RTP5 and RTP51 QTIPS - File Handle Structure QTIPS - Skipping Prompts Reader's Forum - Numeric Precision in R/Basic - Hal Wyman Reader's Clinic - Template Name at Pre-Init Reader's Clinic - Slow Multivalued Screen Display Reader's Clinic - Suppressing Break-On Columns (Again!) QTIPS - Use of Mouse A RevTechie Replies - Mike Pope - Revelation Technologies (UK) Ltd Reader's Forum The C Interface Part 2 - Mark Hirst (Senior Techie - ICS) Reader's Clinic AREV Comes to Czechoslovakia Les Palenik, Cosmotron Systems QTIPS - Postscript Driver Problem QTIPS - Suppressing Initial Form Feed QTIPS - Standardising Error Message Display QTIPS - Interrupt Proof Error Messages QTIPS - Inconsistent @Variable Behaviour QTIPS - Undocumented VERIFILE Option QTIPS - Potential Problem When Using @ANS QTIPS - Replacing GAS.BAR routine during PERFORM "SELECT" Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Pseudo_File% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Query_Mode% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Query_Template% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Real_DataFile% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Recalc% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Recalc_Cnt% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Rec_Map% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Redisplay_List% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Register% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Related_Data% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Related_Keys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Reproc% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Req_Cnt% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Req_Fields% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Reset% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Ring_Next% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Ring_Ptr% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_RList_Select% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_RList_Sort% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Save_Rec% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Scribe_Flags% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Scribe_State% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Si% QTIPS - Using RTP29 In Place of V6 QTIPS - Comment Lines In Pulldown Menus QTIPS - Assorted Oddments VROOM - Doubling MFS Write Speed Batch.Indexing Sorting out Collation Sequences by Mike Pope WP Bond, from Professional Systems Development - A review by Michael Ruane - Phoenix Solutions. Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Soft_Data% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Soft_Keys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Src_Dict% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Src_File% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Start% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Stop_List% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Table_Exit_Mode% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Table_On% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Table_Width% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Template% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Template_File_Name% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Tutorial% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_UBrowse_List% QTIPS - Testing For Boolean False QTIPS - Compiling Work around on runtimes QTIPS - Descending Order Quickdex/Rightdexes QTIPS - File Variable of File In SELECT Statement QTIPS - SET.MACROS - Choosing Active Macro Set QTIPS - Make.Index 2.11+ QTIPS - Amending non-Attached Files QTIPS - @Playback Vs @Data A RevTechie Replies - And Miscellaneous Jottings - Mike Pope - Revelation Technologies (UK) Ltd 2nd Annual Conference by Katherine W. Cochrane 2nd Annual Conference by A P McAuley Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Ulvl% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Unkeys% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Upswd% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Valid% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vdx% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vdy% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_VHead% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Viewer_Env% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Virtual% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Virtual_On% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vprev% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vsp_VDepth% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vsp_Vlen% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vsp_Vx% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Vsp_Vy% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_VWindow% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_W% QTIPS - Truncating DOS Files QTIPS - Batch.Indexing Close Down QTIPS - Improving the Message Window QTIPS - Improving the LH_VERIFY Window QTIPS - BREAK-ON Headings QTIPS - Column Heading Limit Client Server Corner - SQL Server Data Loading Part I - Bill Wolff Caching in on the Frames Array - Mike Pope Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WC% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WCHANGE% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WDONE% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WEXIT_KEYS% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WEXPLODE% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WI% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WINDOW_ACTION% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WINDXY% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WIN_ACCOUNT% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WI_NEXT% EasySpell - A Review QTIPS - Time-outs in Windows QTIPS - Extended Select BY QTIPS - RLIST Average / Total Results QTIPS - PERFORM Arguments and FMT Specifications QTIPS - FOR/NEXT variables QTIPS - Undocumented Logon Options What's New (and un(der)documented!) In 2.12 A RevTI Techie Replies - Mike Pope - Revelation Technologies (UK) Ltd Client Server Corner - SQL Server Data Loading Part II - Bill Wolff The End of the Line - Mike Pope and Hal Wyman The Programmer's Exchange (PX) - A Review Readers Clinic - Quickly Coping with \ Readers Clinic - Unusual SCRIBE Behaviour Readers Clinic - Locating at a specific MV in an AMV Group Video Control Utility Diskette # 4 QTIPS - Modifying EasyWriter To Display Field Descriptions QTIPS - Updating Multiple Dictionaries With A Single Command QTIPS - Using AMV.ACTION To Save Coding Time Customising the Status Line Advanced Revelation Assembler Interface Module - Yves Pattyn, Technical Manager, Distribase, France Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WI_NEXT% (Continued) Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WLocked% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WLX% WC_WLY% WC_WRX% WC_WRY% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WST_CHAR% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_W_CNT% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_W_ENV% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_XCNT% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_XMAX% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_XREF_WINDOW% Uncommon Knowledge - WC_YMAX% Version 3 Technical Highlights - Mouse_Subs Version 3 Technical Highlights - INRECT Version 3 Technical Highlights - Input.Char Version 3 Technical Highlights - New Message Types Version 3 Technical Highlights - User_Sub Version 3 Technical Highlights - KBStatus Version 3 Technical Highlights - @Prog.Char Version 3 Technical Highlights - Add_Buttons Reader's Clinic - LCEdit and SCRIBE Reader's Clinic - Changed SEC for 3.0 QTIPS - Handy Compiler Options Version 3 Technical Highlights - ShowScroll Version 3 Technical Highlights - ValidateName Version 3 Technical Highlights - Min Version 3 Technical Highlights - Max Version 3 Technical Highlights - Highlight Version 3 Technical Highlights - Customising NewApplication Creation Version 3 Technical Highlights - Creating New Accounts Programmatically Version 3 Technical Highlights - Securing Accounts Version 3 Technical Highlights - Deleting Accounts Version 3 Technical Highlights - Copying Rows Programmatically Version 3 Technical Highlights - Deleting Rows Programmatically Version 3 Technical Highlights - Deleting Tables Programmatically Version 3 Technical Highlights - Aliasing Tables Programmatically Using One Dictionary With Multiple Tables - Aaron Kaplan - SoftMart Inc INFOVIEW - A Review Compiling 64K on a Shoestring by Blaise Wrenn (LexStat Systems Ltd) Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Creating New Accounts Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Deleting Accounts Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Creating Tables Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Deleting Tables Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Aliasing Tables Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Removing Lists Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Getting Lists Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Saving Lists Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Copying Rows Version 3 TCL Subroutines - Deleting Rows Uncommon Knowledge - Window_Common% in Paint - Part I Reader's Clinic - CMD Descripter - Larry Coon RevTi Just Wanna Have Fun R/Laser 3.3 - David Kates 3rd Annual Conference by Mr. Craig M. Bobchin QTIPS - EasyWriter QTIPS - Border.Up QTIPS - Winus QTIPS - Calling an Action Bar from a Pulldown Menu QTIPS - MFS - Select.Index QTIPS - Video Characteristics for Logon Messages QTIPS - Manipulating XREF formulae. QTIPS - Fast Dynamic Array Building QTIPS - Moving Objects the EASY way. Spreadsheet Emulation in ARev Windows Uncommon Knowledge - Window_Common% in Paint - Part III Deep Zoom by Les Palenik - Cosmotron Systems Ltd Symbol Table Structure R3 Report Writer Reviewed by Richard Guise, CSS Ltd Capture Playback and Convert.Keystrokes UpdateIndex and RebuildIndex_Sub Reader's Clinic - ReEnable TCL from Debugger QTIPS - New Catalyst Option QTIPS - Collectors on the fly QTIPS - Blank Menus in Windows QTIPS - Alt-C In Windows QTIPS - Unexpected/Unwanted Modification Of Record On Write QTIPS - Menu Item Pre-Processing Set_Attach_Sub and Attach Images Overlapping Windows And Window Menus Deep Zoom Revisited wiki Sprezzatura and RevDevX Blogs Revelation Wiki Contributors User Commentary - Works and Non-Works Forums Getting Started Editing The Revelation Wiki Hints on good content Content and Behavior Guidelines Tips and Tricks Knowledge Base Articles Revelation Software Official Guides orphan_check Welcome to the Revelation Wiki Hints on good style tips/revmedia/v2i4a10.txt Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20by