Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top Sitemap This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces. arev guides arev64_quick_start bfs brw cto_quick_start cto_reference_guide engineserver netoi o4w oecgi4 oi10 programming programmers_reference_manual A Simple MFS ABORT ALL Statement ABORT Direct_Print Message About the Hierarchical List Box Abs function ACCELERATOR property ACCEPTDROPFILES Property ACCEPTENTER property (Combobox) ACCEPTENTER property (Editbox) ACCEPTENTER property (Editline) ACCEPTTAB property (Editbox) ACCESS Method ACCESSDATA property Accessing a File From Within An MFS Accessing Different Files Accessing the Current File Accessing the MFS Accessing the OpenInsight File Name ACCESSPOS property Activate_Save_Select subroutine ACTIVATED event ADD method (PropertyGrid) ADDIDLEPROC method (System) Adding Expand All and Collapse All Functionality Additional Lock Calls ADDMODULE Method ADDTABLE Set_Printer Message Advanced Topics Alias_Table subroutine ALIGN property (Image) ALIGN property ALLOWFOCUS property (Common) ALLOWROWDELETE property (EditTable) ALLOWROWINSERT property (EditTable) Alpha function ALPHACOLOR method (System) ANCHORBOTTOM property ANCHORRIGHT property And and Or logical operators < > Angle Brackets operator ANSI_UNICODE Function ANSI_UTF8 function Appendix A: OpenList Keyword Reference Appendix B: BASIC+ Commands By Category Appendix E: Run_Report Reference @APPID @APPINFO Application Maintenance Considerations AppNote subroutine ARCHIVE Get_Printer Message ARCHIVEDELETE Set_Printer Message Arithmetic expressions Arithmetic operators ARRANGEICONS event ARRANGEICONS property ARRAY property ARRAY2LIST method (System) ARROWKEYS property Assigned function ASYNCCURSORPOS property (System) ASYNCKEYSTATE property (System) ATan function ATRECORD property Attach_Table subroutine AUTOCOMPLETELIST property AUTOCOMPLETEMODE property AUTOCOMPLETESOURCE property AUTOCOMPOSITED property (Window) AUTOELLIPSES property AUTOEXEC property (System) AUTOEXPAND property (PropertyGrid) AUTOPLAY property (Animate) AUTOSCALE property (Image) AUTOSCALE property AUTOSCROLL property AUTOSELECT property AUTOSIZECOL property AUTOSIZEHEIGHT property AUTOSIZEWIDTH property AUTOUNDERLINE property AUTOUPDATEBUDDY property AVERAGE Average BACKCOLOR property Backward Compatibility BASIC+ Open File Handle BASIC + Strings BASIC+ Syntax Rules BCol1 function BCol2 function BEEP method (System) BEEP Service BEGINEDIT method (PropertyGrid) BFS Argument BFS/MFS Independence Bit-wise operators (BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, BitNot) BITMAP property Blank_Struct function BLOCK_EVENTS property BLOCKEVENTS property (System) BMP Set_Printer Message BORDER property { } Braces operator [ ] Brackets Operator BREAK-ON Break-On BRemove statement Btree.Extract subroutine Btree.Read subroutine BUDDY property Build_Struct function Building RDK Files Into A Self-Contained Executable Building the Hierarchical List Box BUTTONDOWN event BUTTONS property (RadioGroup) BUTTONUP event By and By-DSND By and By-DSND Related Topics Related Topics CALALIGN property CALBACKCOLOR property CALCBMP Get_Printer Message CALCBMP Set_Printer Message CALCMAXLEN Get_Printer Message CALCMAXLEN Set_Printer Message CALCTABLE Get_Printer Message CALCTABLE Set_Printer Message CALCTEXT Get_Printer Message CALCTEXT Set_Printer Message CALCULATE event Calculate function CALFONT property CALFORECOLOR property Call to Next MFS Call statement CallFunction Function Calling a Function in a DLL from BASIC+ Calling Convention Calling the ZOOM Function CallSubroutine Function CALMONTHBACKCOLOR property CALTITLEBACKCOLOR property CALTITLEFORECOLOR property CALTRAILINGFORECOLOR property CANCEL Get_Printer Message CANCEL property CANUNDO property CARETPOS property CASCADE event Case statement CaseSens and CaseInsens Catching Mouse Events in a Form CELLPOS property CENTER method (Window) CENTER property (Animate) CENTER method Change_Popup_Font subroutine Change_Window_Font subroutine CHANGED event (Listbox) CHANGED event Changing The Msg() Text During Process Execution Appendix B: BASIC+ Commands By Category BASIC+ Command Reference Basic+ Language Reference Calling DLL Functions From Basic+ Chapter 5: Events $INSERT Records Introduction Chapter 11: Methods Modifying Filing System (MFS) Appendix A: OpenList Keyword Reference Appendix C: Advanced Printing Examples and Techniques Chapter 4: Properties REVERROR.DAT file Run_Report subroutine Programming Techniques: Overview CHAR event (Listbox) CHAR event Char function CHARMAP property (System) CHARMAP property CHECK property CHECKBOX property CHECKBOXES property (Listbox) CHECKEDLIST property (Listbox) CHECKEDLISTTEXT property (Listbox) CheckLegalUser function CHILDWINDOW property (GUI) CHOOSECOLOR method (System) CHOOSECOLOR Service CHOOSEDIR method (Filesystem) CHOOSEDIR method (System) CHOOSEDIR Service CHOOSEFILE method (Filesystem) CHOOSEFILE method (System) CHOOSEFILE Service CHOOSEFONT method (System) CHOOSEFONT Service CLEAR event Clear_Table subroutine CLEARDRAGDATA message CLEARFILE ClearFile statement CLEARFLAG Method CLEARMODULE Method CLEARSELECT CLEARSELECT MFS Processing ClearSelect statement CLICK event CLICKCHECKONLY property (Checkbox) CLICKPOS property CLIENTSIZE property CLIPNAME property (Animate) CLOSE event CLOSECAL method CloseEngine Function CloseQueue Function CMDLINE property (System) Coding the CANCEL Button Quick Event in the Zoom Window Coding the CREATE Event for Capturing Mouse Events Coding the OK Button CLICK Event in the Zoom Window Coding the WINMSG Event for Processing Mouse Events Col1 function Col2 function COLCHARS message COLDATA property COLDROPDOWNLIST message COLFONT COLHDRFONT COLHEAD ColHead COLHEADERSORTINGMODE property ColHeading statement COLLABEL message COLLAPSE method (PropertyGrid) COLLATE Set_Printer Message Collect.IXVals function Collector Window Overview ColLength statement COLOR_BY_POS message COLOR property (Colordropdown) COLORKEY property (Image) COLORS $Insert Record COLSHADE COLSIZE event COLSIZE COLSTYLE message COLUMN property COLWIDTH message COLWIDTH property (PropertyGrid) COMCTLVERSION property (System) Comments Common statement Comparison operators CompDoc function COMPILE Method Compiler Components of Stored Procedures Compute_Dict function Conditional Logic CONFIGFILE property (System) CONFIGINFO property (System) ContextMenu function Contract Blocks CONTROL Get_Printer Message Control_Off routine Control_On routine CONTROL Set_Printer Message CONV property Convert statement COPIES Get_Printer Message COPIES Set_Printer Message Copy Commuter Module Object Code to SYSREPOSEVENTEXES COPY message COPY method (PropertyGrid) Copy_OS_To_Row routine Copy_Row_To_OS subroutine Copy_Row subroutine Copy_Table subroutine COPY Method COPYDIR method (Filesystem) COPYDIR method COPYFILE service COPYFILES method (Filesystem) COPYFILES method CopyOSFile function Correct Use of With Keyword Cos function COUNT property (Image) Count function COUNTER property (System) COUNTER property Create a Promoted Event Commuter Module Create_Dialog function (OI 9.x) Create_Dialog function CREATE event CREATE.FILE Create_Index subroutine CREATE.MEDIA CREATE method (System) CREATE Service Create_Symbolic routine Create_Table subroutine Create the Promoted Event Processing Code Create_User subroutine Create_Volume subroutine Create_XML_XSD_Schema function CREATE.FILE CreateBinaryData Function CreateEngine Constants CreateEngine Function CREATEGUID method (System) CreateQueue Function CreateRequest Function Creating a Deployment Definition for the Upgrade Creating a User Defined Conversion Creating BASIC+ Callable Functions Creating Labels for the Hierarchical List Box Creating the Prototype Record Creating Zoom Functionality Cross Reference Indexes CTRLMAP property CUEBANNER property CURRENTDEVICE Get_Printer Message CURRENTDIR property (Filesystem) CURRENTDIR property CURRENTDRIVER Get_Printer Message CURRENTPORT Get_Printer Message CURSOR property (GUI) CURSOR property (System) CURSOR Service CURSOR Property CURSORPOS property (System) Cursors and Select Lists CUSTOMCOLORS property (System) CUSTOMFORMAT property CUT message CUT method (PropertyGrid) DARKENCOLOR method (System) Database ID vs Application ID Database Template (.DBT) Files DATASOURCETYPE property Date function @DBID DBLCLK event DBT File Structure DCount function Debug statement DEBUGGER_FETCH Function Debugger_Replacement Function Declare_FCNS routine Declare statement DECREMENT method DEFAULT property Define_Database subroutine Define_Struct routine DEFPOSPROP property DEFPROP property Delay subroutine DELETE event DELETE_EX message DELETE.FILE Delete function Delete_Index subroutine DELETE message DELETE method (PropertyGrid) DELETE.RECORD Delete_Row routine Delete_Save_Select subroutine Delete statement Delete_Table subroutine Delete_User subroutine DELETECOL message DELETEFILES method (Filesystem) DELETEFILES method DELETEROW event DELIMCOUNT property (System) Deploying Promoted Events DESCRIPTIONDRAWHTML property (PropertyGrid) DESIGN Method DESIGNMODE Property DESTROY_FLAG property DESTROY method (System) DESTROY Service DESTROY Method DESTROYFLAG property (Window) Detach_Table subroutine Detach_Volume subroutine DEVICES Get_Printer Message DEVMODE property (System) DEVMODE property DEVSYSTEM property (System) Dialog_Box (OI 9.x) function Dialog_Box function Dict_Depend function Dictionary Cleanup Dimension statement Dir function Direct Calls to the MFS DIRECT_PRINT Error Codes Direct_Print Function DIREXISTS method (Filesystem) DirExists Function DirList function Disabling a Function From Within an MFS Disabling the Window Close Button Displaying Dynamic Text Using the Msg() Function Displaying Memory Size Displaying the Populated List Box $INSERT statement DOSTIME subroutine DPI Get_Printer Message DPI property (System) DPI property (Window) DPI property DPIAWARE property (System) DPIMONITOR property (System) DPISCALING property (Window) DRAGBUTTON Property DRAGCELLPOS Property DRAGCOPY Property DRAGDROP event DRAGEND event DRAGFORMATLIST Property DRAGMOVE Property DRAGOVER event DRAGPOS Property DRAGSELROWCOUNT Property DRAGSELROWS Property DRAGSOURCE property (System) DRAGSOURCE Property DRAGSTART event DRAGTEXTSELECTION Property DRAWCIRCLE Set_Printer Message DRAWHTML property DRAWTEXT property Drive function DRIVELIST property (Filesystem) DRIVELIST property DROPACCEPT Property DROPCOPY Property DROPDOWN event DROPDOWN method (PropertyGrid) DROPDOWN property DROPDOWNLIST_BY_POS message DROPFORMATLIST Property DROPMOVE Property DROPRESULT Property DROPTARGET property (System) DROPTARGET Property DROPTYPE Property DSpace subroutine DTHANDLE property DUMMYCAPTION property DUPLEX Get_Printer Message DUPLEX Set_Printer Message DWMANIMATION property (Window) DWMCOLORS property (System) Dynamic Arrays Dynamically Installing or DeInstalling an MFS ECHO property EDGESTYLE property Edit Table Column Styles EditFind function EDITMASK property EDITORHANDLE property (PropertyGrid) ELLIPSE Set_Printer Message ELSE statement Email/Messaging EMPTY method (Clipboard) EMPTYTEXT property (PropertyGrid) ENABLED property (GUI) ENABLED property (PropertyGrid) ENABLED property ENABLEDROPSCROLL Property ENABLEDRAG Property ENABLEDRAGLIST Property ENABLEDRAGROWS Property ENABLEDROP Property ENABLEDROPEXPAND Property ENABLEDROPLIST Property ENABLERTF Set_Printer Message End_Dialog subroutine End_Window (OI 9.x) function End_Window subroutine End statement ENDEDIT method (Listbox) ENDEDIT method (PropertyGrid) ENDOVERLAY Set_Printer Message ENDTABLE Set_Printer Message EnsureVariable statement Environ Constants Insert Record @ENVIRON_SET Environment Commands Environment ENVVARLIST property (System) ENVVARLIST property Equate statement ERRORCOLOR property ETMethod function EVAL Function EVENROWCOLOR Property EVENTQUALIFIER property Examples Exec_Method function EXECMETHOD property (Common) EXECUTE Message EXITCHARS property EXITCODE property (System) EXITCODE property Exp function EXPAND message EXPAND method (PropertyGrid) EXPORTDATA Set_Printer Message Exporting Your Report to a RTF, PDF, or HTML File Extended Math Functions Extended (Resolved) Select Extract_SI_Keys subroutine Extract_XML_Schema_Name function Extract function Extracting a Substring Field function FieldCount function FieldStore function File Operation Logic FILE.SYSTEM.EQUATES $Insert Record FILE.SYSTEM.ONGOSUB $Insert Record FILEEXISTS method (Filesystem) FILEEXISTS method FILENAME property (Image) FILENAMES property (Image) FILEOPRESULT property FILEOPRESULT property (Filesystem) Filing System Access FILLSTYLE Get_Printer Message FILLSTYLE Set_Printer Message Final Steps FINDEXE method (System) Finding the Indexes Finding Users Logged Into OpenInsight FindText message Fix_LH subroutine FLAG Method Flashing a Window FLUSH Call FLUSH method (System) FLUSH FLUSH Service Flush statement Fmt function FOCUS property (System) FOCUS property FOCUSCELLCOLOR Property FOCUSCELLFONT Property FOCUSRECTCOLOR Property FOCUSRECTSTYLE Property FOCUSRECTWEIGHT Property FOCUSSTYLES property (System) FONT_BY_POS message FONT Get_Printer Message FONT FONT Set_Printer Message FONT property FONTHEADFOOT Get_Printer Message FONTHEADFOOT Set_Printer Message FONTLIST property (System) FONTLIST property FONTS Get_Printer Message FontStructure Attributes property FOOTER Get_Printer Message FOOTER Set_Printer Message Footing Footing statement Footing For...Next statements FORCEKEYDISPATCH Message FORECOLOR property FORMAT property Format function FORMATLIST property (Clipboard) Forward_Event (OI 9.x) subroutine Forward_Event subroutine FreeCommon statement FSMSG subroutine FTPDELDIR Function FTPDELFILE Function FTPGETFILE Function FTPLIST Function FTPMKDIR Function FTPRENAMEFILE Function FTPSEND Function FTRFONT Function function Function Name Function statement Functional Name Alias - Optional GarbageCollect statement Get_App_Info function Get_Contract function GET_CURRENT_EVENT Function Get_DB_Users function Get_Dialog_Info function Get_Dialog_Params function Get_Env routine GET_EVENT Service Get_EventStatus (OI 9.x) function Get_EventStatus function Get_Language Function Get_LH_Info Function Get_Printer function Get_Property function Get.RecCount function Get_Repos_Entities function Get_SI_Values routine GET_SPECIAL_FOLDER Function Get_Status function Get_Sysinfo routine Get_XML_Value function Get.Sort.File function GET Method GETABSOLUTEPATH method (Filesystem) GETABSOLUTEPATH method GETACCESSPERMIT Method GetANSIToUnicode function GETAPPID Method GetBinaryValue Function GetByteSize Function GETCHARFORMAT message GetCurrentDir subroutine GETDATA method (Clipboard) GetDefaultCharacter function GETDESCRIPTION Method GETDOCUMENT Method GETDRAGDATA message GETENGINEVERSION Method GetEntity function GETENVVAR method (System) GETEVALUATE Method GETFOCUSEDCONTROL method (Window) GETIMAGEINFO method (System) GetLanguageName function GETLASTUPDATE Method GETLOGHISTORY Method GETLOGICALDRIVES Service GETLONGPATH method (Filesystem) GETLONGPATH method GETMASKEDCHARSONLY property GetMenu function GetMinimumDelimiter function GETMODULE Method GetNetworkType subroutine GetNoOfDelimiters Function GetPointer function GETPUBLISHABLE Method GETRECOMPILE Method GETRELATIVEPATH method (Filesystem) GETRELATIVEPATH method GetSessionCallStack Function GETSHAREABLE Method GETSHORTPATH method (Filesystem) GETSHORTPATH method GETSPECIALDIR method (Filesystem) GETSPECIALDIR method GETSUB Method GETSUBKEY Method GETSUPER Method GetSystemDirectory() GETTITLE Method GETUDP Method (Common) GetUnicodeToANSI function GETUPDATEPERMIT Method GetValue function GETWEBPAGE function GetWindowsDirectory() GLASSDRAG property GLASSFRAME property GLASSMARGINS property Global and Labeled Common Variables Glyph API GLYPH property GLYPHALIGN property GLYPHCOLORKEY property GLYPHCOUNT property GLYPHFRAMECOUNT property GLYPHFRAMENUMBER property GLYPHOFFSET property GLYPHORIGIN property GLYPHSIZE property GLYPHTRANSLUCENCY property GO Method GoSub statement GOTFOCUS_CONTROL property GOTFOCUS event GOTFOCUS_VALUE property GoTo statement GRADIENTSTYLE Property Grand-Total Grand-Total HANDLE_BY_CURSOR Service HANDLE property HANDLEBYCURSOR method (System) HDC Get_Printer Message HDRFONT HEADER Get_Printer Message HEADER Set_Printer Message HEADERHEIGHT Property Heading Heading Heading statement HELP event HELPBUTTON property (Window) HELPTEXT property HEXADECIMAL property HIDE method Hierarchical List Box Programming Using A Bitmap Hierarchical List Box Programming Using Tabs Hierarchical List Boxes FAQ HOLD_EVENTS property HORIZONTAL property HOTBACKCOLOR property HOTFONT property HOTFORECOLOR property HOTTRACK property How a Promoted Event Fits in the Event Chain How an OpenInsight Database is Loaded into Memory How SYSCOLUMNS Is Used How to Create a Simple Hierarchical List Box HPOSITION property HSCROLL event ICON property (Window) ICON property IConv Boolean (B) function IConv Date (D) function IConv DateTime (DT) function IConv ENCRYPT_FORMAT function IConv Masked Decimal (MC, MD) function IConv Masked Scientific (MS) function IConv MX, HEX, MO, MB function IConv Time (MT) function IConv Variable Binary (VB) function IConv function ID property IDEALSIZE property Identifying Changes to be Deployed IDLEPROC property (System) IDLEPROC property IDLEPROCQUEUE property (System) IDLEPROCQUEUE property If conditional expression If...Then statements Image API IMAGE property (deprecated in OI 10) IMAGEALIGN property IMAGECLIP property (deprecated in OI 10) IMAGECOLORKEY property IMAGECOUNT property IMAGEFRAMECOUNT property IMAGEFRAMENUMBER property IMAGENUMBER property IMAGEOFFSET property IMAGEORIGIN property IMAGESIZE property IMAGESTYLE property IMAGETRANSLUCENCY property INACTIVATED event INCREMENT property INCREMENT method INDENT Get_Printer Message INDENT Set_Printer Message Index Index.Open subroutine Index function Indexc function Indexed-Based SELECT IndexLookup function Inet_Aborted function Inet_Finalize subroutine Inet_FormLoad function Inet_FormRead function Inet_FormWrite function Inet_Msg function Inet_OI_XML function Inet_QueryParam function Inet_Repos function Inet_Rlist function Inet_Security function Inet_Test_Connect function Inet_Trace function INIT Get_Printer Message INIT Set_Printer Message InitDir statement INITIALPOSITION property (Window) InitRnd statement INITSTORAGE method (Combobox) INITSTORAGE method (Listbox) InList function InMat function INSERT_EX message INSERT message Insert function INSERTCOL message INSERTROW event INSTALL Call INSTALL Installing an MFS Using a BASIC+ Program Installing an MFS Int function INTERACTIVE property (System) INTERACTIVE property INTERNALOBJECT property (Common) Internet INVALUE property IOOPTIONS property IsEventContext (OI 9.x) function IsEventContext function IsUnicode function IsUTF8 function IsValidUser Function ITEMSTYLE property Iteration IUNKNOWN_RELEASE Service IXLOOKUP event JustLen JustLen Keyboard Characteristics KEYSTATE property (System) LABEL property Language Operators LCASE Function Len function Licensing Considerations LIGHTENCOLOR method (System) LIMIT property Limit Limit LINE Set_Printer Message LINESTYLE Get_Printer Message LINESTYLE Set_Printer Message LINK property LINKCURSOR property LINKRESULT property List_Dict routine LIST_EX property List_Index_Detailed routine List_Index routine List_Keys routine LIST property (Listbox) LIST property (PropertyGrid) List_Tables routine List_User_Locks List_Users routine List_Volume_Sub function List_Volume routine LIST property LIST2ARRAY method (System) ListBasic routine LISTTEXT property (Listbox) LISTX property (PropertyGrid) Ln function LOAD_PICTURE Service LOADDOC Set_Printer Message Local Lock Table LOCALE_EQUATES Locate...By statement Locate statement LOCK Method LOCK.RECORD Lock routine Lock Semaphores Lock statement Locking Within An MFS Locks and Unlocks LockVariable statement LOG_EVENT method LOGEVENT method (System) Logical $Insert Record Logical LOGININFO property (System) Loop statement LOSTFOCUS event @LOWER_CASE Maintaining a Filename Table Make.List subroutine MAKEDIR method (Filesystem) MAKEDIR Service MAKEDIR method Manual MFS Installation MAPWINDOWPOINTS method (System) MARGIN Get_Printer Message MARGIN Set_Printer Message MARGINS MARQUEE property MASKEDTEXT property Mat statement MATCH statement Matches operator MatParse statement MatRead statement MatUnparse function MatWrite statement MAX_OI_USERS Function Max function MAXIMIZESIZE Property MAXVALUE property MDIACTIVE property MDICASCADE message MDIFRAME property MDIICONARRANGE message MDITILE message MDITITLE method (Window) Media Calls Media Map Access Media Map Media Updates and the Media Handle MENU event Message_Box_Equates $Insert Record Message_Box function MESSAGEFONT property (System) METRICS property (System) MFS Access to Media Calls MFS and READNEXT MFS Applications MFS Subroutine MFS Basics MFS Definition MFS Dispatch Routine MFS Operations Glossary MFS Operations Reference MFS Programming Notes MFS "Trapping" Mechanism MFS vs BFS Min function MINVALUE property MISC property (Common) MISC property MIXCOLORS method (System) MixedCase function Mod function MODAL property (System) MODAL property MODIFIED property Modifying Filing System (MFS) Modifying MFS Arguments Modifying the File Handle MODULEFILENAME property (System) MONITORLIST property (System) MONITORLIST property MOUSECAPTURED property (System) MOVE Event MOVE.FILE MOVE_ROW message MOVEDIR method (Filesystem) MOVEDIR method MOVEFILES method (Filesystem) MOVEFILES method MOVEPAGES Set_Printer Message Msg_Equates $Insert Record Msg function Multi-line If statement Multi-value Arithmetic operators Multiple With Clauses MV property MVBFS_EXECPROC Function MVBFS Functions MVBFS_NATIVE_TABLE Function MVBFS_SUBCALL Function Name_Volume subroutine Namecap function Native Tables Neg function NEW Method NewEntity function NEXT property For...Next statements NOACCELTRANSLATION Property Non-Volume Media Calls NORMALCOLOR property Not function NOTIFYPOS property Null statement Num function NUMCOLUMNS Run_Report keyword Numeric Operations NUMTOCHAR_CONV Conversion OBJECT_BY_CURSOR Service OBJECTBYCURSOR Method (System) OBJECTID method (System) OBJECTID Service OBJECTLIST method (System) OBJECTLIST Service OConv Boolean (B) function OConv Date (D) function OConv DateTime (DT) function OConv ENCRYPT_FORMAT function OConv OConv Character (MCx) function OConv Masked Decimal (MC, MD) function OConv Masked Scientific (MS) function OConv MX, HEX, MO, MB function OConv OConv Time (MT) function OConv Variable Binary (VB) function OConv function ODDROWCOLOR Property OERUN.EXE OI_GET_LOCALE_DATE Function OIGETLOCALEINFO Function OIPI_EXAMPLE1 OIPI_EXAMPLE2 OIPRINT_EQUATES OIWin_FormLoadPrev routine OLE event OLE_GETWEBPAGE function OleCallMethod Function OLECREATEINSTANCE Function OLEGETPICTUREPROPS method (System) OleGetProperty Function OLEIUNKNOWNRELEASE method (System) OLELOADPICTURE method (System) OlePutProperty Subroutine OleRequestLicKey Function OLESTATUS Function OMNIEVENT event On...GoSub statement On...GoTo statement Only OPEN Failure OPEN.FILE Calls and File Handles OPEN.FILE OPEN.MEDIA and CREATE.MEDIA OPEN.MEDIA OPEN.FILE Call Open statement OpenList Command Format OpenList Format Modifier Keywords OpenList Format Override Keywords OpenList Throwaway Words Operating System File I/O Operations that Affect SYSTABLES and SYSVOLUMES OPTIONS event OPTIONSKEY property (PropertyGrid) ORIENTATION Get_Printer Message ORIENTATION Set_Printer Message ORIG_SIZE property ORIG_STRUCT property ORIG_XXX property OSBRead statement OSBWrite statement OSClose statement OSDelete statement OSOpen statement OSRead statement OSWrite statement Other Forms of Multi-line If statements OVERLAYICON property PAGE Direct_Print Message PAGE event PAGE Get_Printer Message Page statement PAGEBREAK Set_Printer Message PAGELIST property PAGESIZE Get_Printer Message PAGESIZE Set_Printer Message PAGESIZES Get_Printer Message PAPERBIN Get_Printer Message PAPERBIN Set_Printer Message PAPERBINS Get_Printer Message PAPERSIZE Parameter Type PARENT property PARENTFRAME property (GUI) Parse_Struct subroutine PART property Passing Data from a Window to a Dialog Box Passing Data from the Dialog Box to the Window Passing Data to an MFS PASSWORDPEEKTIME property PASSWORDSTYLE property PASTE message PASTE method (PropertyGrid) PAUSEDCOLOR property PHONE_FORMAT Conversion Source Code PICTURE_PROPS Service Ping Function PlaceDialog() routine PLAY method (Animate) Pointers and Structures in BASIC+ POLYGON Set_Printer Message POLYLINE Set_Printer Message Pop.Select subroutine POPULATEVIEW event Populating a Hierarchical List Box Dynamically POPUP_LIMIT property POPUP property Popup function PORTS Get_Printer Message POS_BY_CLIENT_CURSOR message POS_BY_CURSOR message POS_BY_TEXT message POS Get_Printer Message POS Set_Printer Message POS property POSBYCLIENTCURSOR method (PropertyGrid) POSBYCURSOR method (PropertyGrid) POSBYNAME method (PropertyGrid) POSCHANGED event POSITION property Post_Event (OI 9.x) function Post_Event subroutine POSTWINMSG method (System) #PRAGMA Statement PREVFOCUS property (System) PREVFOCUS property PREVIEWMODE Get_Printer Message PREVIEWMODE Set_Printer Message PREVIOUS property PREVSELPOS property PRINT Direct_Print Message Print_End function Print Functions Print_Init function Print Preview Print_SetFont function Print_SetFooter function Print_SetHeader function Print_Text function Print_Text function PRINTBIN Direct_Print Message Printer statement PRINTERINFO Get_Printer Message PrintLineFeed function PrintNewPage function PrintPageStatus function PRINTQUALITY Get_Printer Message PRINTQUALITY Set_Printer Message PrintRect function PrintSetBrush function PrintSetMargins function PrintSetPen function PRINTSETUP Service Problems with DBT Files Procedure to Disable Window Close Button PROCESSID property (System) Processing the Received Data in the Dialog Box Processing the Received Data in the Window Program Control Programming an MFS: Introduction PROGRESSSTATE property PROGRESSVALUE property Promote the Event Promoted Events and the Repository Promoted Events in Action PROPCHANGED event (PropertyGrid) Property Indexes Property Shorthand Notation in Window Event Code PROPERTYBYPOS method (PropertyGrid) PROPERTYNAMES property (PropertyGrid) PROPERTYNAMESX property (PropertyGrid) PROPOPTIONS event (PropertyGrid) PS_EQUATES $Insert Record PSSTYLE_N property (GUI) PSSTYLE property (GUI) PSSTYLE Property PSSTYLEEX_N property (GUI) PSSTYLEEX property (GUI) Purpose of PHONE_FORMAT Conversion Push.Select subroutine PutBinaryValue Function Pwr function QBFABS event QBFCLOSE event QBFFIRST event QBFINIT event QBFLAST event QBFLIST property QBFNEXT event QBFPOS property QBFPREV event QBFRUN event QBFSTATUS property QBFTABLE event QUALIFY_EVENT message QUALIFYEVENT Method (Common) QUALIFYWINMSG method (GUI) Queries QUERYEND property (System) QUERYEND property Quote function RANGE property Read_Column routine READ event READ.MEDIA READ.RECORD Read_Row routine Read statement Reading a Registry Value Reading and Writing Environment Variables Reading and Writing File Attributes Reading File Attributes Reading the Environment PATH Variable ReadNext...By statement READNEXT Direction READNEXT ReadNext Processing ReadNext statement READO.RECORD ReadO statement READONLY Property ReadV statement RECEIVER property (System) RECEIVER property Recompile_Proc subroutine RECORD.COUNT Record Count RECORD property RECT Set_Printer Message REDRAW property Reduce subroutine Reflection API REFRESH_VSPRINTER Subroutine Related Topics Relational Indexes Rem function Remarks and Operators Remove statement REMOVEDIR method (Filesystem) REMOVEDIR Service REMOVEDIR method REMOVEDRAGDATA message REMOVEMODULE Method Removing Indexes Manually Removing Promoted Events Removing the Bang File RENAME.FILE Rename_Table subroutine RENAMEDIR method (Filesystem) RENAMEDIR Service RENAMEDIR method RENAMEFILE method (Filesystem) RENAMEFILE Service RENAMEDIR method REPETITIONS property (Animate) Replace function Replacing Part or All of a String REPOS_TYPE property Repository Commands Repository function REPOSTYPE property (Common) REQUIRED property RESETPAGE Set_Printer Message RESETZORDER message RESIZEALWAYS property (Window) Restart OpenInsight RESULTS property RetStack function Return from the BFS Return Value Type Return statement Rev_Utility Function REVCAPI Equates REVRUN.EXE RGB function RList routine Rnd function ROWDATA property RowExists function ROWHEIGHT message ROWHEIGHT property (PropertyGrid) ROWLIMIT Property ROWSHADE Property ROWSTRIPE property (PropertyGrid) RTFTEXT Property RTI_AUTOEXEC RTI_Bitmap_Index_Search function RTI_CDOMail function RTI_Create_User_Details function RTI_CreateGUID Function RTI_Crypto function RTI_DistinctList Function RTI_Email_Client function RTI_ErrorText Function RTI_Expiration_Date function RTI_FIX_USERS function RTI_GET_CURRENT_SYMBOLIC function RTI_GET_PROC_INFO Function RTI_GetMail function RTI_GetNetworkUserName function RTI_IDE_CFG function RTI_Indexer subroutine RTI_JSON Function RTI_LIST Function RTI_Load_Database Function RTI_Lock_Owner function RTI_OS_DIR Function RTI_OS_Directory function RTI_ParseCSV Function RTI_READU_EQUATES RTI_READU Function RTI_Remove_Style_Sheet Function RTI_Res2Str Function RTI_RUN_COMMAND Subroutine RTI_SendFax Function RTI_SendMail function RTI_Sets function RTI_Stringbuilder function RTI_STYLE_EQUATES $Insert Record RTI_TASK_CREDENTIALS RTI_TASK_SCHEDULER RTI_TASK_SHUTDOWN RTI_TASK_STARTUP RTI_TASK_STATUS RTI_TASK_SUBMIT RTI_TASKMANAGER RTI_TRANSACTION subroutine RTI_Util_Dropbox function RTI_Verify_Proc Function RTI_WRITERELEASE Function RTI_WRITEU Function RTP1 RTP2 RTP3 RTP5 subroutine (BASIC+ Compiler) RTP7 RTP8 RTP9 RTP11 RTP11.INDEX RTP12 RTP15 RTP16 RTP17 RTP18 RTP18.ENGLISH RTP19 RTP20.1 - RTP20.x RTP21 RTP22 RTP25 RTP26 RTP27 RTP29 RTP31 RTP32 RTP33 RTP34 RTP36 RTP37 RTP38 RTP39 RTP42 RTP43 RTP49 RTP50 RTP53A RTP57 RTP57A RTP57.SUBS RTP57.WIN RTP65 RTP72 RTP90 RTP95 RTP99 Run_BRW_Report subroutine Run_Label subroutine File Creation Using Run_Report Run_Report Keyword Index RUN method RUNHELP Service RUNMODE property (System) RUNWIN Service Sample Transaction Processing Subroutine Save_Env routine Save_Select subroutine SAVEWARN property (Window) SAVEWARN property SCALED event SCALEFACTOR property SCALEFONT method SCALESIZE method SCALEUNITS property SCALEVALUE method SCREENSIZEBYNAME method (PropertyGrid) SCROLL message SELECT and READNEXT Calls SELECT and READNEXT Processors Select...By statement Select_Into function SELECT Select statement SELECTALL method (Listbox) SELECTALL method (PropertyGrid) SELECTION property SELECTIONSTYLE property (Listbox) SELLIST property (Listbox) SELLISTTEXT property (Listbox) SELNAME property (PropertyGrid) SELPOS_EX_BY_POS message SELPOS_EX property SELPOS property (PropertyGrid) SELPOS property SELPOSX property (PropertyGrid) SELPROPCHANGED event (PropertyGrid) Send_Event (OI 9.x) function Send_Event function Send_Info subroutine Send_Message function (deprecated in OI 10) SENDWINMSG method (System) Seq function SERIAL Get_Printer Message Serial function SERVERNAME property (System) SERVERNAME property Set_Bgnd_IX_Time function Set_Dialog_Info function Set_Dialog_Params function Set_Env routine Set_EventStatus (OI 9.x) function Set_EventStatus function Set_FSError function Set_IDXSvr function Set_Language Function Set_MFS subroutine Set_Printer Error Codes Set_Printer Set_Property (OI 9.x) function Set_Property_Only Subroutine Set_Property function Set_Sort_File Function Set_Status function SET_VSPRINTER Function SET_ZORDER message SET Method SETACCESSPERMIT Method SetANSIToUnicode subroutine SetCharFormat message SETCURSOR method (System) SETDATA method (Clipboard) SetDebugger (OI 9.x) ("SPY") routine SetDebugger function SetDefaultCharacter subroutine SETDESCRIPTION Method SETDRAGBITMAP message SETDRAGDATA message SETENVVAR method (System) SetInitDirOptions subroutine SETMASKEDCHARSONLY property SetMinimumDelimiter subroutine SETMODULE Method SetNoOfDelimiters routine SETPUBLISHABLE Method SETSHAREABLE Method SETSUB Method SETSUBKEY Method SETSUPER Method Setting up the Hierarchical List Box in a Form SETTITLE Method SETUDP method (Common) SETUPDATEPERMIT Method SetUTF8 subroutine SHOW method SHOWACCELERATORS property (System) SHOWCATEGORIES property (PropertyGrid) SHOWDESCRIPTION property (PropertyGrid) SHOWTEXT property SHOWTHOUSANDS property SHOWTOOLTIPS property (PropertyGrid) SHOWVISITED property SHUTDOWN property (System) Simple (Latent) Select Sin function Single-line If statement SIZE event SIZE property (System) SIZE property SIZEBYNAME method (PropertyGrid) SMOOTH property SORT method SORTED event SORTEDCOL property Sorting by More Than One Column Sorting Multi-valued Columns SORTTRIM property Space function Special Assignment operators SPLITBUTTON property Split-Glyph API SPLITGLYPH property SPLITGLYPHCOLORKEY property SPLITGLYPHCOUNT property SPLITGLYPHFRAMECOUNT property SPLITGLYPHFRAMENUMBER property SPLITGLYPHOFFSET property SPLITGLYPHORIGIN property SPLITGLYPHSIZE property SPLITGLYPHTRANSLUCENCY property SPLITSEPARATOR property SPLITWIDTH property SQRT function START Direct_Print Message Start_MDIChild (OI 9.x) function Start_MDIChild function Start_Window (OI 9.x) function Start_Window function START32 Set_Printer Message STARTFRAME property (Animate) STARTOVERLAY Set_Printer Message STARTTABLE Set_Printer Message STATE property @STATION Status function STATUSFONT property (System) STATUSLINE property STEP property STOP Direct_Print Message STOP method (Animate) STOP32 Set_Printer Message STOPFRAME property (Animate) Stored Procedures Storing a Path to the Image Storing Images in Linear Hash Tables Str function String Formatting String Manipulation Struct_Flush subroutine Struct_Len function Struct_To_Var function Structure of SYSTABLES and SYSVOLUMES STYLE_BY_POS message STYLE_EX_N property STYLE_N property STYLE (STYLE_EX) property SUBMIT event Subroutine statement Subroutines and Functions Sum function SUPPORTCOPIES Get_Printer Message SUPPRESSAUTODESTROY property (System) SUPPRESSKEYTRANSLATE message Swap.Cursor Subroutine Swap statement Synchronizing the Volume and Table Information SYNCTASKBAR property Syntax Quick Reference SYSMSG event SYSREPOS_COL_EQUATES System BFSes in OpenInsight System Delimiters System MFSs in OpenInsight System_Object @SYSTEM_TABLES System Utility SYSTEMDIR property (Filesystem) SYSTEMDIR property SYSVOLUMES and SYSTABLES Files Table Access TABLE Set_Printer Message TABLE property TABLECELL Set_Printer Message TableExists function Tables and Dictionaries TABOUTEXCEED property TABSTOPS property Tan function TASKBARBUTTON property (Window) TASKBARID property (System) TASKBARID property TCOMPILE Method TCOPY Method TDESTROY Method TEMPDIR property (Filesystem) TEMPDIR property TERM Set_Printer Message TEXT_BY_POS message Text Case Conversion - UPPER_CASE TEXT property (Clipboard) TEXT Set_Printer Message TEXT property TEXTALIGN property TEXTBOX Set_Printer Message TEXTCOL Set_Printer Message TEXTRECT method (System) TEXTRECT Service TEXTRTF Set_Printer Message TEXTVAL property TEXTXY Set_Printer Message The EXPORTDATA Message The Five Steps to Creating a Promoted Event The %%REVMEDIA%% Record The Semicolon operator The SYSTABLES File The SYSVOLUMES File The TEST_LB Function The ZOOM Menu Item Settings The Zoom Window CREATE Event The ZOOM Function THEMED property (System) THEMED property THEN statement TILE event Time and Date Output Formatting Time function TimeDate function TIMER event TIMER property TIMEZONE property (System) TOPMOST property (Window) TOPPOS property Total Total TRACKINGSIZE Property Transact subroutine Transaction Processing Transfer statement TRANSLUCENCY property TRANSPARENT property (Animate) Trim, TrimB, TrimF functions TRIMB statement TRIMF statement True and False TRUETYPE Get_Printer Message TRUETYPE Set_Printer Message TYPE property (Common) TYPE property TYPECLASS property (Common) Types of Event Handlers TYPES property (System) TYPES property Typographical Conventions U2_Btree_Extract subroutine U2_Error Function U2_EXECITYPE Function U2_EXECPROC Function U2 Functions in OI U2_Get_ServerType Function U2_GetList subroutine U2_IConv function U2_KeepAlive Function U2_OConv function U2 Routines for OpenInsight U2_SaveList subroutine U2_Select subroutine U2_SUBCALL subroutine U2_TimeDate Function UCASE Function UDPLIST property (Common) UDPLIST Property UI Functions Unassigned function UNDO message UNDO method (PropertyGrid) UNICODE_ANSI Function UNICODE_UTF8 Function UNLOCK.ALL UNLOCK ALL Within An MFS UNLOCK Method UNLOCK.RECORD Unlock subroutine UnLock statement UnlockVariable statement UNSCALEFONT method UNSCALESIZE method UNSCALEVALUE method UNTIL statement Update_Index subroutine UPDATE message UPDATE Method Updating A Deployed Application Updating the File Handle UPDOWN property Upgrading the Deployed Application @UPPER_CASE User Defined Conversions User Defined Properties - @ Properties '@' (User-defined) property (Common) User-defined Variables User Index Extension to Btree.Extract User Index Facility Using And Using Both And and Or Using CASE Statements in an MFS Dispatch Routine Using Colors Using Format Modifiers in Run_Report statements Using Format Modifiers Using Graphics Using MFS_Installer Using OIPI to Export to Files Using ON...GOSUB in an MFS Dispatch Routine Using Or Using Parentheses USING Using the Brackets Operator for Extraction Using the Brackets Operator for Insertion Using the CHOOSEFILE Dialog Box Using UTF8_ANSI function UTF8 property (System) UTF8_Unicode Function UTF8 property Utility_DotNet function Utility function - deprecated in OI 10 V119 (String Sort) subroutine VALID property Validate routine VALIDCHARS property VALUE property (PropertyGrid) VALUE property VALUEBYNAME method (PropertyGrid) VALUEBYPOS method (PropertyGrid) VALUES property (PropertyGrid) VALUES property (TabControl) VALUES property (TreeListBox) VALUES property Var_To_Struct function Variable Initiation Verify_LH Subroutine VERSION Get_Printer Message VERSION property (System) VERSION property VERTICAL property VISIBLE property (GUI) VISIBLE property (System) VISIBLE property VISITEDFORECOLOR property @VOLUMES VPOSITION property VSCROLL event WATCHDIR method When to Remove an Index Manually Where Event Code is Stored Which Controls Support Which Events? Which Controls Support Which Properties? WHILE statement WIN64 property (System) WINCOUNT property (System) WINCOUNT Service WINDOWGHOSTING property (System) Windows API Examples WINDOWSDIR property (Filesystem) WINDOWSDIR property WINMSG event With WORDWRAP property WRAP property Write_Column routine WRITE event WRITE.MEDIA WRITE Method WRITE.RECORD Write_Row routine Write statement WRITEATRECORD property WriteV statement Writing a BASIC+ MFS Installer Writing an Environment Variable Writing File Attributes Xlate function XLIST property XML_Importer function XREF subroutine Yield (OI 9.x) subroutine Yield subroutine ZIP_FORMAT Conversion programming_in_openinsight Welcome to the OpenInsight™ Programmer’s Reference Manual. 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